goodbye Miami

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Well other than all the things that occured nothing more interesting really happened the whole day if you consider that it had unexpectedly rained all day so all plans were cancelled.

It was now the last day and Mike and El couldn't thank more the lord that it wasn't raining today because honestly....the past 24 hours were the worst,with all of the party teasing and making fun of them.And oh Lucas's unnecessary questions and doubts about his own length of course(what is life🤦)

Now they could finally spend some time alone and actually talk as they didn't get the chance to really talk about what happened.

They had escaped from the group of friends who were laughing and splashing around in the water of the sea.They would find a more calm beach or place to have some alone time.

When they arrived at an exact spot which was cut off from the others by huge rocks they sat down next to each other on the sand.

"Oh god how I missed some peace and quiet"El huffed with a little laugh

"I know,right?!These kids will be the death of us.It's like they don't have a life for god's sake"Mike joined the laugh

After that there was a comfortable silence but soon that changed when both of them realized what they were about to talk next.

The brave Wheeler boy first broke the ice. Eleven was always the shy one, and he was always the leader, the guide of each conversation, since the first day they met each other.

"Do you feel bad about what happened the day before yesterday?" he asked shyly

The truth was that he was afraid. Afraid of what she was gonna say. What if she wasn't okay? What if she felt ashamed or embarrassed? What if she regretted everything they did? All those unanswered questions remained in Mike's mind, before his lovely girlfriend decided to answer.

Eleven sometimes wondered how Mike can be smart and stupid at the same time. He was undoubtedly one of the best, or even the best, students in school and had won numerous science prizes. But, when he was talking with her, he always said unbelievable things and everytime he had doubts. 'Only love makes you that damn stupid', her father's secratary once told her. And that sentence finally made sense. But she was honoured to be Mike's 'stupid' spot.

"You are sooo stupid. More than I am" she admitted "And I love it"

"I am NOT stupid" mike defended himself and acted like he was offended

"You are! How could the thought of me regretting what we did ever cross your mind? I mean, I love everything you are involved in, and that night was one of the best nights in my whole life" she replied passionately. She wanted him to realise how badly in love she was with him. She wanted him to know that everything they had gone through together would stay in her mind as a happy moment. There were no sad moments in Eleven's mind when Mike was around. The word 'Mike' itself was a synonym of the word 'happiness'. Her own beloved happiness.

"But I want you to tell me if you are in pain or embarassed or depressed...I want you to feel safe. I want you to feel like you can talk to me whenever you want"

"Mike" she said to attract his full attention "You are my best friend. My boyfriend. My future husband. The future father of my children. The love of my life. I'd tell you anything that bothered me. But there's not. And in my made me feel so special, so beloved and so happy. You can't even imagine how much."

Mike just gave her the biggest smile he had. And he finally understood that he was trully stupid. Stupid for making those silly thoughts, stupid for spending the whole night crying because he assumed that he made her sad. Stupid for believing his brain and not his heart.

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