we meet again

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Harry had obviously not seen Draco yet. He intended to keep it that way at first.

He had taken a step backwards, but then Draco paused. Am I really going to do this? Run away?

He was a Malfoy. But he was more than that now, more than his name. More than his father.

And even though he could practically hear his father's voice screaming at him to turn around, to walk away, Draco walked towards Harry Potter.

It took a few moments for Harry to spot him. Draco could tell because the second Harry saw Draco, he lost control of his broom and began to plummet down to earth.

Draco gasped and moved under him, squinting up at the boy who was plummeting to Earth.

Thankfully, Harry hadn't been very high up when he fell, but it was still enough to knock Draco's breath out of him when Harry fell on top of him.

They both crumpled to the ground, Harry on top of Draco.

Harry quickly leapt up, his eyes shifting around, uncomfortable.

Draco winced, rubbing his back, which had been jabbed by a rock when he had fallen. He stumbled to his feet and grabbed Harry's arm before he could run away.

"Wait." The word fell out of him all at once, escaping his lips through no will of his own. His plans, the things he had imagined himself saying to Harry while he had been wandering, were gone.

Harry stood there, his eyes wide open like a cornered animal. A moment passed and all Draco could do was look into Harry's eyes.

How was he supposed to apologize for lying when, for all Harry knew, the apology could be a lie also?

He swallowed. Harry was still staring. "I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have lied to you. And I want you to know that not everything was a lie."

"Draco- I- I can't." Harry tugged his arm from Draco's grip gently.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't know how much I can trust you." Harry looked at him solemnly.

"Please." Was Draco begging now? He knew it was unbecoming, but he had to win Harry back. He had spent too much of his life sneering at Harry, exchanging curt insults. Even going back to the way they were before would be better than this: quiet and silences that stretched too long.

And then he was crying.

The tears were hot down his face, and Harry was frozen. He took deep breaths, but the tears kept coming. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves, shoulders shaking, until he slumped to the ground.

It was embarrassing. He buried his head in his arms, and he couldn't feel Harry by his side.

He must've left. Draco thought.

Until he felt arms wrap around him, heard Harry whispering in his ear, "It's okay."

He looked up, wiping his face again. It didn't do much, just spread his tears over his face. "You aren't going to leave?"

"Well, I couldn't leave you here, looking like a right mess." A small smile eased its way onto Harry's face. "And I'm pretty sure you aren't lying now. I don't think anyone could fake that."

Draco let out a small laugh-sob. "Don't underestimate me, Potter."

And finally, he felt better, with Harry by his side. 

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