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Most people have heard of anorexia nervosa (ana) and bulimia nervosa (mia), some have even heard of Binge eating disorder (BED) but there are few who know of EDNOS, despite it being the most common eating disorder.

EDNOS stands for Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified but is also known as OSFED, Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders. EDNOS is anything that does not meet the strict criteria for Ana, Mia or BED.

There are sub-categories in EDNOS but the one I am most familiar with is Atypical Anorexia (aa). AA is where you meet all the criteria for Ana but are not under weight.

EDNOS is as deadly as Ana, Mia or BED but is very often underestimated, hence my nickname for it Eating Disorder Neglectfully Over Simplified.

In the minds of a lot of people if you aren't under weight you don't have an Eating disorder but EDNOS and sometimes Mia does not present itself in this way with the individual being at a healthy weight or overweight, though they may also be under weight.

Like with ana or mia, people suffering with ednos are often born with a predisposition to it. It is a lifelong illness where even if you are in recovery it is still there.

So, now i have explained about ednos lets move on to my story.


A/N: This is a true story and i will write down how i felt as well as i can but please remember that i am not yet in recovery and that i don't support pro-eating disorders in others.

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