(11) Questions

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(11) Questions

This is way overdue, but what can you do? School's a pain, I have all of my major tests for the year coming up in the next two or three weeks, so that's been fun. I'll be writing whenever I get the chance to, so for say the next maybe month and a bit, there may be very few updates. x 
Anyway, as always, enjoy, and leave some feedback if you liked it too. c: x


Aleks stared at the door in front of him, scared about what could be waiting on the other side. His mind started running wild with different scenarios. 'What if it's one of them? They could be using this as bait to catch me off-guard. I'm going to be taken away if they find me. But what if it really is Jake... Why would he be here though? Could they have brought him here, unknowing that I was within the same walls? I... I don't know...' All of Aleks' nerves were pushed to the back of his mind as he raised a shaky fist to the door.

Thud thud thud thud

He suddenly regretted the decision as an overwhelming sense of anxiety flooded over him. His ears pushed backwards and he almost turned to run away. The only thing that stopped him was the door opening with a tall silhouette of a person standing there. He was afraid to look up at the face of the person, but knew he had to eventually. Aleks slowly glanced upwards, meeting the other's eyes.

"Jake," he whispered. "Could it really be you?"

"Aleks..." The same hushed tone as Aleks' was used before Jake was caught off guard by Aleks' next move.

The two tumbled into Jake's room as Aleks tackled him into a hug. Jake kicked the door close after they'd fallen to the floor, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention. Aleks had started to shake and sob, praying it wasn't just some twisted dream. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. Jake, right here, in the same room as himself. It felt like a miracle he thought would never happen. Countless nights he spent dreaming to see his best friend again, never expecting him to look like he did now.

"Aleks," Jake started to say. "You... You're still a... You know?"

"A freak? Yeah, that's still me." Aleks sighed, showing his ears to his friend.

"Don't you dare say that about yourself again Aleksandr, you got that?" Jake suddenly grew very serious. "You are not a freak. You're a beautiful, non-freak, super cool guy. You always have been and you always will be."

Aleks shook his head in defeat, "Whatever you say bud, whatever you say."

Jake groaned at Aleks' lack of belief in himself and ushered him over to the small couch where they began to talk. The conversation changed between multiple topics, from their childhood, to Aleks' new life, to Jake's arrival, to why the sky is blue and not bright purple. It never stayed on one topic for too long, it always somehow managed to change. They couldn't care less though, both just enjoyed finally being in the company of the other after so many long years. The time apart was almost unbearable. The conversation was cut short by an unexpected sound.

"Dude, was that your stomach growling?" Jake asked with a laugh.

Aleks nodded, getting up to look through the kitchen's small cupboards. There wasn't much of a variety to choose from, the most appetizing looking food being a packet of crackers. He pulled them out, offering some to Jake, who was looking down at me inquisitively. He looked as if he was hesitating on saying something. Aleks threw the packet of crackers at his friend, who caught it with lightning speed. It was an almost unnatural speed for any regular person to do. 

"Someone's hungry too, hey?" Aleks rhetorically asked, his nerves and uncertainty showing through.

"How did you get here," Jake said sternly, demanding to know the answer.

Aleks' eyes widened as Jake rose from his chair and strode towards him. Even his walking pattern was looking much less than human at this point.

"Jake, what's the matter," Aleks was more than afraid at this point. "What happened?"

"Test Subject 00427. How did you get here." Jake's voice sounded more robotic now. 

This can't be Jake. It can't be!

"Jake, snap out of it!" Aleks screamed as Jake's hand reached out towards him. "Please, Jake, listen to me!"

Jake wrapped his fist around the fabric of Aleks' shirt, pulling him towards the door. Aleks couldn't think of anything to do, the only thing he could come up with, he would never want to do to his best friend in his life at all. But desperate times call for desparate measures.

"I'm sorry, bud." Aleks whispered before pulling a clenched fist behind him and swinging it forward with tremendous force. He'd gotten a direct hit onto Jake's face, hitting his jaw, momentarily stunning Jake. It was just long enough for Aleks to push Jake far away from himself. 

Jake fell to the ground, twitching slightly before closing his eyes. Aleks had no idea what to do, he feared gettng too close, in case he tried dragging him away again, but he didn't want to just leave him there either. He walked cautiosly into the kitchen and filled a glass with water before walking back into the room where Jake lay. Aleks stood a decent way before thowing the water at the boy on the ground.

Jake jolted upright at the sudden chill running throughout his body. "Aleks, what the fuck was that for? And why does my jaw hurt?" He asked.

"You don't remember?" Aleks questioned back.

"I remember you leaving the room, but nothing after that... It's all blurry." 

"I don't even know what happened myself." Aleks sighed before retelling the previous events.

Jake sat patiently, listening to every word Aleks had said. Once he was finished, Jake put his head in his hands, repeating 'not this, anything but this' over and over again. "Aleks, get out, now." He said sadly. "I thought I fixed this, I thought it was over, but I need you to leave right now."

"Jake, what do you-"

"Please!" He screamed, cutting Aleks' question short. "You need to leave, don't come here for a while, I will find you. You're in too much danger here, please Aleks! Just... Trust me on this one."

Jake threw Aleks' beanie at him, making sure he had everything covered up completely before he slightly pushed him out of the door, without so much as a goodbye.

Aleks stood in the hall for the longest time, wide-eyed and confused before running to the one place he knew he could go at a time like this. He sprinted to the rooftop and collapsed as soon as he set foot there. Aleks, feeling weaker than he ever had before, cried until he could cry no more. There were countless questions running through his mind, none of which could be answered without talking to Jake.

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