A Bouquet For You

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Hanahaki!Ray x Reader


Requested by: yaairre

Ray's POV

This warm feeling in my chest has turned into something painful.

It started with a petal falling through my lips. I was confused, how was this possible?

There must be a book about it.

After rummaging through Gracefield's old library, I did end up finding a book.

While flipping through the pages, my heart sank.

I came down with a terrible sickness.

I understand now, I have the worst of luck. It makes me laugh.

I wonder, who is it?

Who did I fall in love with?

Leaning back against the chair, I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

Days went by and I believe I grew a bouquet in my lungs.

I feel sick to my stomach and I don't know how to stop the nausea. Every few hours my head spins and I feel like throwing up.

The urge to throw up had become unbearable. Whether I'm reading in the library or sitting outside, I always have to rush to the bathroom.

It usually happens after I wake up in the morning. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

My eyes shot open as I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Good morning, Ray!" Phil greets me at the foot of my bed.

I throw my covers off my body and jumped to my feet. I didn't greet him back, I dashed out of the room.

Stumbling in the hallway, I run past my younger brothers and sisters.

My vision was blurred from the tears pricking at my eyes. A drop of sweat slides down my temple as I stagger into the bathroom.

I lock myself in and sank to my knees in front of the toilet. I clutched onto my white button up, the pain made my chest burn.

Clenching my teeth, I felt like oxygen wasn't reaching my lungs. My voice was strained as I tried gasping for air.

My tongue can feel the petals sticking to the back of my throat and the roof of my mouth.

I leaned towards the toilet and closed my eyes.

I tried thinking about happy thoughts, but there was nothing happy about this place.

Gracefield is hell on earth.

If only I could live a life without this pain.

The only real happiness I have are the children here. Norman... He is smarter than me. Emma... She is stronger than me. [Y/N]... She doesn't give up easily, unlike me.

None of us are truly happy, maybe we should all fall asleep and never wake up.

We're better off in the peaceful nothingness after death.

I wipe my mouth with my white sleeve, my eyes were still shut tightly as the burning in my throat subsided. I cough one last time before standing up.

I look down at the toilet with teary eyes, visibly upset.

"Why is this still happening...?" My voice was scratchy.

I cover my mouth with my hand, gritting my teeth in anger. I feel so terribly sick.

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