A Different Escape

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Welcome to my Ray x Reader Oneshot Book!!

Don't be shy, I think we're gonna have a great time!


Ray did his best to calm his shaking hands when he shook yours. You smiled brightly, feeling a little down since this was your last day at the Gracefield house.

"I'm going to miss all of you," Looking down at your feet, you chuckled sadly. "I promise to update you every week!"

The younger kids quietly sniffled, Norman and Emma smiled sadly. Ray was still shaking your hand, not loosening his grip any time soon.

"We don't want to keep your new family waiting, [Y/N]." Mama softly pats you on the head. Mama's purple eyes loomed over Ray's face.

His dark eyes were wide with an emotion you've never seen him make. Remorse was written all over his expression. Ray wishes he could've done more with you.

Ray wanted another day to spend with you, just sitting by the tree and listening to you hum a soft tune. Ray wanted to read his books while your presence was next to him.

He wishes he spent more time with you, eating together, folding clothes, anything that involved being with you. Ray didn't want to lose his composure but he couldn't help but feel tears prick his eyes.

Your departure was announced suddenly and unexpectedly. A family chose you to be their child because of your maturity and respect for everything.

Mama said that the family couldn't wait until you turned twelve, they wanted you that much.

"Goodbye, Ray..." You squeezed his hand before shaking him off.

Choking on his words, Ray manages to clear his throat. "Don't go..." His voice was barely above a whisper, embarrassed that the kids will hear him.

Norman eyes Ray, curious why he is acting that way. Emma was also thrown off, she's never seen Ray look so fidgety.

"Don't forget your suitcase, [Y/N]." Mama opens the door. She has a soft smile on her face, Mama waits patiently.

Wrapping your arms around Ray one last time, you felt your heart aching. You rested your forehead on his trembling shoulder, trying your best to memorize how he smells. There was a hint of vanilla.

Ray's arms wrapped around your shoulders, embracing you tightly. "I'm so sorry..." His voice quivers, Ray's eyebrows furrowed with sorrow. "[Y/N], don't leave me..."

"Oh, Ray..." You sighed happily.

His hand presses against your back, pulling you as close as possible to him. He becomes a stuttering mess, Ray shuts his eyes. "I... I love you. Don't go..."

Those words he whispered against your left ear made your heart sink. "I'm sorry too, Ray..." Feeling a tear slide down your cheek, you chuckled sadly at his confession. "I have no choice."

You push yourself off him and fixed the hat on your head. Ray couldn't pull away, he felt so cold without you.

"We'll see each other in the future...!" Grabbing your suitcase, you gave everyone a bright smile.

The kids erupted with soft cheers, some laughed while some had to wipe their tears.

"It's time to go," Mama smiles down at you.

Looking up at Mama, you grinned and nodded your head. You turned back and waved one last time.

"See all of you soon!"

Knowing goodbyes were difficult to do, you got it over and done with. You turned your back on your friends and felt all their eyes on you.

Mama steps out first, her hand on the doorknob waiting for you to follow her. You walked past the door frame, stepping into the oncoming darkness of nighttime.

Finally happy to be going to a new home, but bittersweet.

The night air was cool and crisp. The light from Mama's lamp illuminated a soft warm orange. You walked down the hill beside Mama, Ray's words echoing in your head.

You wondered what he was sorry for.


Ray couldn't sleep that night. He couldn't eat the next morning. Emma and Norman urged him to come outside but Ray didn't want to move from his bed.

The younger kids were concerned that Ray became sick, he was as pale as a ghost. Ray didn't even say a single word to them.

While walking through the halls, Mama pokes her head into the room. She sees Ray laying on his side, back facing her.

Mama stares blankly, she looks at Ray's body, his breathing was shallow. His black hair was turned over, a mess covering his face.

"Ray," Mama calls him.

He doesn't respond.

"She knew," Mama watches for a reaction. "[Y/N] intentionally failed her tests, she wanted to ship herself out."

Ray doesn't move a muscle.

"[Y/N] was just curious. She just wanted answers." Mama sighs softly. "[Y/N] was a smart girl."

Ray was silent.

Nonchalantly, Mama ignores him, knowing Ray will get over this in three days. She turns her attention to other kids and walks away from the room.

Ray's eyes were barely open. His mind was elsewhere, his thoughts drifting from memory to memory. The salty tears on his cheeks were now dry.

He felt torn, he felt scattered. It pained him to see his family being sent away.

"[Y/N]," Ray utters your name. "It should have been me instead."

Ray knew things could have changed if he did something. If only you talked to him about your plan, maybe things would be different today.

He didn't know how long he can keep this secret any longer from his friends. Ray wanted everyone to know about the outside. He didn't want to live the lie any longer.

Ray pushes himself up to sit on the bed. He feels empty. Ray shifts his gaze to the calendar hanging on the wall.

When would he tell them? Who would he tell first? Would they even believe him? There was strength in numbers, maybe they can all escape together?

Ray didn't know how much time he had before the next kid gets deported. Thinking of the kids, he memorized their birthdays.

Conny's was coming up.

It was time for his plan to begin, starting with Norman and Emma. But how?

I hope you enjoyed!!

Of course, I started with some shitty angst, my specialty!!

Expect more oneshots to come!!

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