Chapter 1:- Saving dragons

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.Hi guys! this my first story, so i hope like it

Note: i don't have HTTYD3 and Frozen

Somewhere on the sea there was a ship carrying dragons in cages and the guards were watching them.The guard approached from a dragon and then the dragon panickedDragon: aghhhhhhar

 The guard: Quiet!" he yelling.
The guard, with his flaming lamp, and then he saw someone wearing black armor with a black helmet and pulling the sword of fire

? guard: what are you

Person: shhhhhhhh

Then the guard turned his successor and see the Night Fury. Then the guard turned to the person and hit him with the spear and the lamp, but he avoided it, and then the guard threw the lamp at the person, but was repulsed by the sword of fireThen the man moved and the night fury at the fire but he did not burn themThe guard terrified the personon

.guard: oooohhhh, you a demon

.hiccup: shhhh shhhhhshhh, nonono i'm not a demon, i'm not a demon." And hiccup took off his helmet.

...Hiccup: See? just guy, just guy. here to rescue these dragons so Uh

guard: you can pass through the fire

.Hiccup: dragon scale, dragon shed a lot!"

!guard: ohhh i know what demon rather see what, no human legs I'm not standing

Then, behind the guard, there was a wild, burning nightmare on the back of someone's head.

Snoulout: You can not get to rid of me.
Then burn the snoulout because of the burning fire on Hoakfang.

guard: move Demon!!
Hiccup sigh

Hiccup: Really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt."

Snoulout: Guys no! not yet!"
And hit Barf and Bulsh snoulout on fire.

Tuffnut: Behold your worst nightmare, The long his sister who insisted on coming 

Ruffnut: That's my intro

Hiccup: Guys, too soon, you always come in too soon 
and fishlegs throw himself near hiccup

.Fishlegs: Sorry! Still get my wings 

!Hiccup: Fishlegs! Again with the baby 

fishlegs He was carrying a little droancle. 

Hiccup: This is a raid 

Fishlegs: I couldn't find his sitter 

The guard was running scared of Dragons.

guard: demon everywhere! There is a demon! 

Astrid hit him in the cage, causing him to pass out.
Astrid was wearing a lot of blue armor and a mask.

.Hiccup: Astrid, i had raid when I wanted him

!Astrid: And now, he's right where I wanted him, let's get to work

.hiccup: Okay ,but at least nobody else knows we're here

And hiccup went to free a dragon.
''easy girl, it's okay''
The dragon was afraid to do something to him, but his words were his comfort.
"Shhh! We're gonna get you out of here"

Fishlegs also went to free a dragon, but he was surprised to see

Fishlegs: ooooh , Crimson Coregutter, ohhhhhahhhh 
And apparently, the big dragon liked the little Droancle.

Ruffnut: look at this weirdo, then it's super dumb

Ruffnut tried to open the cage, but she couldn't..

?Ruffnut: Ughh! why can't I get this cage open

And then Astrid came and opened it in front of her.

.Astrid: it slides

.Ruffnut sighed: Obviously

And they heard one of the guards screaming out loud ''Attaaaaack''

hiccup: get the rescue out of here!!"

And hiccup pulls out the fire sword, and Astrid goes to the guard and hits Him. But the guard blocked the hits.Hiccup went to the other guard and hit him with the sword, and then Toothless pushed the guard away.

.Tuffnut: No running on the deck slippery
Then Snoulout was running and facing two guards with a big hammer.
Surprised they didn't get hit.

Hoakfing He threw lava at the guards, and it had Snoulout on it, but it wasn't infected Because he was wearing armor.

.Snoulout: haha it's 2 for me 

Fishlegs: take care

The guard was going to hit Fishlegs, but he ducked her and got the other guard to hit his friend.
guard: sorry

And the big dragon struck the guard.

Went guard last hiccup, and beat him with his sword said hiccup fend off the blow and hit the hiccup incident and then removed the mask the situation and hit his Astrid p your head and lost consciousness.

He came toothless and pushed the guard into the cage.

.Hiccup: Thank you, now go to get the rest! bud

And he stood by Astrid and she said to him,

.Astrid: i thought this was supposed to be a stealth mission

.Hiccup: Yeah. they always start that way 

A guard came after them, and he was going to beat them, but Stormfly took the guard and threw it at him sea.
Astrid: thanks stormfly 

And hiccup's mother was standing on top of the ship, her and Cloudjumper.

.Valka: oh stop worrying they'll get us
Snoulout was going to jump out of the cage, but he fell hang on to him

Valka: Eventually."

Hiccup: Move out, we gonna move!!

Tuffnut: i headlock every last one of you, I might even you 

They took barf bulsh They took them and flew away

Snoulout: We returned. i just started

 Astrid: Clear guys, go go!!
She rode stormfly and flew

and fishlegs rode too metlouge and flew 

The Toohless in the ship, and then felt there was something but his voice was heard hiccup calling him.

.Hiccup: Toothlees, time to go! 
And Toothless went to him too fast.

And there was a white dragon in the cage with blue eyes.

Hiccup pulls out his sword, looks behind him, sees a lot of guards behind him.

Hiccup: oh, hey guys!! 
Toothless came and pushed a lot of guards and took hiccup and flew away.

.Hiccup: you always had my back, bud

(Time Skip)

Everyone returned to Berk after they rescued the Dragons that were trapped.

Hiccup: This is Berk,
your new home away from home , by stunning one stop all expense paid dream destination, so settle in and let your worries melt away. The service here soars the pussy's fiery, and the locals are as colorful as you get, any run of the mill paradise boast beaches and sunshine, but not us,
.we've got something no one else can touch, we my friend have dragons. lots and lots of dragons


Next Chapter, hiccup Chife Berk will be invited to attend Queen Elsa's Coronation.
??What do you expect to happen
Wait for the next chapter with an interesting event!
.I hope you like it my story

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