The Pitch Manor 4/7

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On Dev's request - it's not like it's my day - we go to eat pizza. It's not like I could argue with that. And I don't eat in front of people anyways, so I didn't have anything to say as we walked down the sidewalk. Bunce and Oliver seem to have separated a little forward from the rest of us and seem to be deep in conversation. It's more words I've heard out of Oliver since he started working here. I want to walk faster just hear what they're talking about, but that would mean I would be walking alone.

"I know right! How do you fuck up such an easy one!"

"Like you're the one to talk. You couldn't even heat up a plate of pasta without burning straight through the table."

"That was second year! It doesn't count!"

"Oh so then that snog behind the stairwell with Chloe doesn't count either?"

"That has nothing to do with this!" Dev narrows his eyes at Niall who smirks because he knows he's won this round.

"Then that han-"

"Okay! We're here!" I open the door and the small bell dings as it gets thrown open. I see some mages that nod towards me and some people I've seen before at father's parties. No Normals usually come here since it's situated so separately from everything. Most magic things are. And even if some Normals do stumble here upon accident, they put the small elixir in the drinks as they do back at the manor. So there is no way they can spread an obscure rumor about magic to the public.

I take Oliver's arm before he can sit down with the rest of the group on the booth, and bring my mouth close to his ear.

"Don't drink anything," My breath ruffles his hair from the proximity.

"Why- Oh. Okay," He nods before sliding into the booth next to Bunce. My hand buzzes as I sit across from him next to Niall.

"Hey! Scoot over, you guys are going to smash me into the wall," Dev calls from the corner of the seat.

"We are two grown men, Dev, we can't scoot any more," I shot him a look.

"Then move to the other one," He tips his head to Penny and Oliver, who are still talking in hushed voices.

"It's almost as if it's your birthday, Dev," I snarl and plunk myself next to Oliver who moves even closer to Bunce. If I didn't know any better, I would say he's either scared of me, or I stink.

We order the food and conversation takes over the table. Bunce and Niall are in a heated argument on what's the best way to turn a horse into a unicorn. If such a thing was possible. And Dev has taken it upon himself to interrogate Oliver.

"So, where did you live before you came to the mansion? And how did you come to the mansion anyway?"

"I- I lived ... around. It's a really small town, not the far. And I heard my father talking about the Grimm-Pitch manor almost every morning. He always said that they didn't know what they had," He flushes as realization sets in, "I... didn't always agree with him on things."

"I'm not going to tell Daphne everything. Chill, Oliver," I give him a side glance and his face turns darker.

"Around? That is a lame excuse for whatever you're trying to hide," Dev shakes his head in disappointment.

"I mean, it ... I don't - I have nothing to hide," He tries sitting up straighter and I want to laugh at his pathetic attempts at nonchalant.

"Tell that to your face," Dev chuckles and then - much to Oliver's relief - changes the subject, "So how long has it been since the order," He stretches over the back of the booth like him staring at the waiters is going to make them hurry up.

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