Jay and Gin

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She had been preparing for her first day at work for a long time: She was to do an internship as PM with Emma together for Jared Leto and the band 30 Seconds to Mars. She's been hot for Jared since her youth, but she knew she had to be professional otherwise her job and future would be in danger. If everything went well, she could start there.

Nervously, she waited for Emma in the entrance area of the hotel where she had already checked in. As soon as Emma saw her, she was also taken directly into her arms, beaming with joy. "How nice that you're here and supporting me," Emma said smilingly, "I'll introduce you to everyone, come with me.

Hand in hand they drove up to the suite where all 3 boys were already sitting. Shannon and Tomo smiled directly at them and greeted them warmly. Jared first sat with his back to the two, then turned around, walked towards her and Emma and shook her hand. "Hey, I'm Jared, and you are," he asked. She shyly grabbed his hand and mumbled "Gin". "It's nice you're here, Gin, an interesting name," he replied. Then he pulled her to himself and briefly held her in his arms.

His eyes had blinded her from the beginning and the sudden closeness made her heart beat like crazy. He smelled so good that her legs sank slightly away. Unfortunately he noticed this, held her a little tighter in his arm and whispered in her ear, "All right, gin, don't pass out or I'll have to catch you. Do you want something to drink? She nodded against his arm, he released from the embrace, went to the table and handed her a water. Both did not let themselves out of her sight.
Emma noticed this and only dropped a brief comment: "Well, then you would all have met. A professional approach is always important. Then go gin, take your water with you and let's go to lpvation and check everything there, I'll show you everything you need to know."

Gin reluctantly went with me, but not without throwing a last smile to Jared and saying goodbye to everyone until later. The trip to the hall went by like a flight, she wrote a lot down. In the hall Emma showed her everything that had to be there, how the backstage area was prepared and what else was important. Then Gin was already allowed to time the driving service for the boys and have a look around.

When she arrived in Jared's backstage room, she discovered a jacket lying on the floor. She went there, picked it up and noticed it was the jacket he was wearing when she attended the first fan concert. Smiling, she held the jacket in her arms for a moment as Jared suddenly stormed in the door. As if frozen, she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled and said, "Well, did we catch a jacket thief there?

Embarrassed, Gin mumbled to him and briefly explained to him that she had seen him live for the first time in her jacket, which awakened a lot of memories in her. "If you care so much about the jacket, I have an idea, come here," he grinned at her. Slowly she walked towards him. He took her jacket, ordered her to turn around and put it on. "Somewhat tall, but looks good on you, keep it, as a gift that we'll hire you".

Gin looked at him with big eyes. "I can't accept that, besides, today is my trial day and maybe I'm quite horrible, then you'll be happy to be rid of me quickly," she replied. "Oh, I have a good knowledge of human nature and I want you to stay here," he said succinctly, "and now to Emma, the soundcheck will start soon.

With these words he grabbed her hand and slept them to the stage. Emma was not badly surprised, so she saw both of them. "Emma, set them up, I have a good feeling," Jared shouted and went on stage to the microphone. "Not bad little one", Emma replied to Gin, "how did you manage that? He's usually mega critical and you don't know how many PMs he's already shot down. And besides, is that his favorite jacket you're wearing right now? Nobody else is allowed to touch it! I am speechless".

Gin shrugged her shoulders because she couldn't find any words and listened to the soundcheck for a moment before Emma took her back to coordinate more dates and explain more things to Gin. After some time, in which both were totally absorbed, the band looked in for a moment, grabbed something to eat and delayed until the show started.

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