It's not a big deal

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I wake up crying

But it's not a big deal

I can live through the heart ache

And pretend to heal

When I say I'm fine, I'm lying

But it's not a big deal

A smile is not hard to fake

When thats what you've spent your whole life trying to make

I've gotten use to denying

Every thing that I feel

But it's not a big deal

For your sake

I'll use happiness as the mask I use to cover my pain

So you won't feel sad when they tell you your the reason I've gone insane

Oh, I know I'm dying

But it's not a big deal

I've known for ages

And I've even told you of these cages

Hoping away you could take

But honestly it's not a big deal

After all its not only the heart break

That's the reason I'm dying

I'm crying

I'm lying

I'm denying

And I'm dying

But it's not a big deal

Because I promise you I'm fine

Poetry From the Brighter Side of My Mind (Poetry Book 2.5)Where stories live. Discover now