Chapter Two: A Grand View

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Kermit had been flying for nearly an hour, taking in the breathtaking view from up above. He had seen many different towns, with people who stepped outside to view the marvel. Kermit always gave them a happy wave. Reporters with their cameras had taken photos and even tried to shout up to interview the famous frog, but it was no use.

Kermit was flying over the Grand Canyon, and he looked down at the beautiful wonder of nature. Local tourists looked up in joy as Kermit made his way through. They shouted up to him, and he was low enough to respond, too! As Kermit was yelling to someone, he paused, realizing something. He shouldn't be able to talk with people, so that must mean...

Kermit's balloons were slowly deflating for some reason! Kermit was slowly being lowered into the Grand Canyon, where he would surely perish after being slammed into the rocky cliffs. He looked around frantically, unsure of what to do. The tourists all rushed to the edge of the overlook, screaming and gasping, helpless to save the frog.

"Kermit, be careful!" one man screamed as tears streamed down his face.

The crowd continued to scream as sirens sounded in the distance. Kermit desperately flapped his arms, trying to get more height, but it was no use. He simply continued to sink towards his impending doom.

"Oh no, Kermit! He's going to die!" another man screamed, fainting.

Kermit tried blowing into the balloons, but they were already closed, and the helium was just not working.

"Only if those balloons were really stronger!" Kermit croaked, panicking.

And then, as if the angels above heard Kermit's plea, the balloons began to slow down in their descent. Miraculously, the balloons started to rise. The crowd gasped as the balloons began to ascend once more.
"Kermit's back!" someone shouted, causing the crowd to burst into a simultaneous applause.

"Kermit's flying!" someone began to sing, causing everyone else to join in. "Kermit's flying! Kermit's flying, flying, flying, flying!"

A reporter took a bunch of great shots of Kermit while he was still low enough, and Kermit posed happily. He had dodged quite the bullet. The fire department arrived to see the frog as he floated away. Their concerned expressions changed to that of joy as they waved Kermit off.

"Kermit's flying!" the crowd sang. "Kermit's flying... today! Kermit's flying! Kermit's flying away... today!"

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