Chapter Two.

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The Car ride was quiet the only noise that could be heard was the low hum of the engine, I glanced over to Luca taking in his features, for a 18 year old he looked intimidating, especially with his cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth and the 'I don't care' attitude he hides behind.

As we approached to the school car park the anxiety began to set in, the feeling of sick started to slide up my throat causing me to gulp forcing it down, lets just say hell was an understatement of this place, not even the devil would play here. I shakily stepped out of the truck slamming the door behind me saying a small goodbye to Luca. I took in a deep breath before letting out a sigh. "lets get this over with" I mumbled before proceeding to the homerooms for the beginning of my own personal torture.


"Well, well, well Isn't it Theadora the explore" I looked up to see Jhett and his 3 friends or what I like to call minions standing in-front of me. They all but one had slight dark smirks on their face, I stared at them showing not a single slip of emotion before pulling my attention back down to my lime green note book. I could still feel their presence but made no effort to show that I cared, that was until I felt the chair next to me be pulled out, I shifted uncomfortably knowing all too well who it would be. I shut my eyes tightly as Jhetts left hand slipped towards my right thigh, causing a small whimper to escaped from my lips as he squeezed his hard over the inner part of my thigh, making daggers of pain shoot through my leg. It felt like and eternity before the homeroom teacher Mr. Barwell barged through the door causing Jhett to slip his hand away and disappear to the other side of the room, glancing back every once in while.


Luckily for me homeroom only goes for 10 minutes, though it can feels like hours some days. Currently I'm walking to my music class, this class is the only one where I get to feel safe from this evil place I call high-school, there was No pain, No Jhett, but unfortunately for me one of his minions is in the class, although he acts invisible in the back of the room.

I pulled myself out of my deep thoughts as I approached the music room door, a small smile crept up on my face, as if all my worries were lifted from my soul, like I said this place was special. The door creaked slightly as I entered the room, I was about 5 minutes early so I knew that nobody would be here, I grabbed a tan coloured acoustic guitar and sat in the corner of the dark room, strumming and lightly singing along to Therapy by All Time Low, "You know, I've never heard you sing before"

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