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You went home the next morning, smelling like another woman, but I shrugged it off as I greeted you with a smile. You just gave me a slight nod before disappearing into our shared bedroom.

Even though it hurts a lot, I just laughed it off and continued making breakfast, making the most of our time together. After all, this would be the last week where I can see you and have you all by myself.

You descended down the stairs, your hair wet from the shower, looking like a breathtaking painting. Noticing my stare, you smirked and remarked, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I rolled my eyes heavenwards as you let out an amused smile. I missed this. I missed us. I placed the food in front of us and plopped down on my seat.

We ate in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company, or rather, me enjoying your company. My smile dropped when your phone started ringing.

I swear I could see your smile reach up your eyes as you stared at the screen of your phone. It hurts a lot, yes, but I'm glad that she gave you something that I couldn't give to you.

"Does she takes good care of you?" I queried, munching on my food. You looked at me quizzically before answering me. "Yeah, unlike you."

A bitter smile came upon my face again as I tried my best to hold back my tears. I quickly changed the subject before the atmosphere became awkward.

"I resigned from my job. I'm planning to fly away from here and try to explore around the world after this. So, I want to spend my last days with you."

You just nodded, not even bothering me to ask where or why. You just ate there and gave no care. We finished our food in silence and got up from our seats.

I followed you to the living room and plopped down on the couch beside you. "Kookie-" You clicked your tongue, annoyed, and gave me a look. "Call me Jungkook."

"Can't I call you Kookie instead? Besides, it's just for another 3 days." You contemplated over it before sighing and nodding. "Kookie, let's go on a date everyday. Let's do the things that we did before and the things that we missed to do."

You looked at me with confusion and, if I'm not wrong, with warmth. "Wouldn't that be hard for you?" That was the first time that you have shown such concern to me ever since that day.

My heart felt warm and a smile took its place on my lips. "Don't worry, I can handle it." You stared at me for such a long time, making my cheeks warm. I averted my eyes, unable to withhold your intense stare any longer.

"Okay, if you say so." You said with such uncertainty, brows still furrowed. I clapped my hands in delight and turned on the television. "Let's have our first date then."

"Now?" I nodded as I searched through the pile of movies flashed on the screen. "Let's have a movie date! It's been a long time since we had one."

You nodded your head in understanding as you watched me struggling to find a good movie. We bickered and argued a lot as to which movie is better until we finally decided onto one.

The Conjuring.

I liked horror movies, but I was never great at watching movies with a lot of jump-scares. You smirked as you watched me in delight, trying to calm my nerves as much as possible.

The movie started and I couldn't even relax as the music kept on building up. Definitely not helping me at all. I almost screamed my lungs out when a jump-scare appeared out of nowhere.

You snorted, trying your best to hold your laugh. I threw you a glare, causing you to laugh rather loudly. My eyes softened as I stared at you, laughing so beautifully. I could listen to your laugh everyday and I would never get tired of it. Your laugh was like a melody that could be played on repeat.

I laughed along with you as I couldn't hold it in any longer. Your laugh subsided as you leaned in to my ear, your hot breath fanning over my neck. "You know, you can come to me if you're scared."

I leaned back and gave you a death glare, making your smirk grew wider. My eyes went wide as I noticed how close our faces were. If I leaned in a bit more, I could feel your lips on top of mine.

Noticing my stiff posture, you came to a realization as your cheeks were tinted pink just like mine. Your eyes bore onto mine, drawing me in and making me unable to look away.

Your eyes roamed around my face until it settled on my lips. I bit my lip out of nervousness as you licked your lips, slowly inching closer.

We were in our own world, the movie now long forgotten. I watched you slowly closing the gap, heart pounding loudly in my chest. As you were about to close the gap, a loud ring echoed throughout the room, snapping us both out of the trance.

We immediately leaned back and scooted away from each other, faces painted with crimson red. You fumbled through your jeans as you hurriedly searched for your phone.

I watched you stare at your phone before putting it back in your pocket. I cleared my throat, catching your attention. "Who was that?"

"Jieun." You answered hesitantly, avoiding eye contact. "Oh." My smile was replaced with a frown as I stared back at the screen, trying to focus on the movie playing on the television.

Silence fell on us again, focusing on the movie. The music was building up again and I exactly knew where this is leading to. I mentally prepared myself as I tried to calm my nerves.

I yelped as another jump-scare appeared on the screen, shutting my eyes close. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as it enveloped me in a hug.

My tense shoulders calmed down as I basked under his warmth. He stroked my hair in such a gentle yet reassuring manner. "Do you want me to change the movie?"

I nodded my head as I heard you shuffling around, still holding me in your arms. You let me go as soon as you played another movie.

"Wait, 'Isn't It Romantic'? Don't you hate that movie?" I asked, utterly confused as to why he would choose that movie. He gave me a small smile yet genuine one. "Well, you loved that movie."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I tried to stop myself from smiling like an idiot. My heart warmed as a thought came over my mind. You still remember.

I focused my gaze onto the screen, watching it intently with a small smile on my face, even if I had already seen it for the fifth time. My focus wavered when I felt a pair of eyes gazing at me with such intensity.

I ignored your piercing gaze, trying to pay no attention to it. Our position didn't make it any better. Your arms were still wrapped around me and my head was resting onto your chest.

I bit my lip as I listened to your heart beat going faster, making mine mirror yours. I mentally slapped myself as I focused on the movie again.

The ending credits popped out on the screen as I turned off the television. I looked up to check on you, only to see you sleeping so soundly. I let out a quiet chuckle as I quickly covered both of us in my blanket.

I watched you a little longer, taking in your features and carving it deep into my brain. I slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, careful not to wake you up.

"I know you might hate me for this when you wake up, but let me stay in your arms just for this night. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I always do."

A/N: Oof it sucks ik

If I Could || A jungkook short storyWhere stories live. Discover now