She's Lost

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character list:

Teesha: main character of the story, she's 15 in the beginning, and skips months later and becomes 16.

Patterson: The love of Teesha's life , he stays in New Orleans , but she stays in Texas, all she wants him to do is get his shit together, also is 15 but older then Teesha by 2 months. Which is known as Pat or Peedie.

Alexis: Patterson's girl that he been talking to for a while before Teesha ever came, she'll have maybe 1 or 2 POVs in this story

Lakiyah: Teesha's cousin, her bestfriend as well, she's 18 , and her cousin is Tiffany. She ends up messing with Patterson's cousin Treyvon, in New Orleans.

Terry: Teeshas brother , the have the same father but different mother's , Patterson's and Treyvons cousin, but only related on Terrys mom side of the family .

Tiffany: Terrys wife and has 3 children. Trinity (8), Trent (2) , Triniya (7months). Also LaKiyahs cousin, and Teeshas Sister in law.

Treyvon: Patterson's cousin and Terrys . Likes LaKiyah alot , but doesn't know how to tell her because he think she's not interested.

Well, let's cut to the chase , my name is Teesha , but everyone calls me Tee. I'm a beautiful girl, or at least thats what people say, I stand about 5"0 , 114 pounds , and beautiful yellow skin tone, Im mixed with puerto rican , black and creole . I go to a private school, in Texas. I'm Instagram famous with 7k and any where I go all eyes are on me. Right now I been single for a year now because the love of my life Patterson, became my biggest heartbreak.

*this story is based on a truth story , and will have mature scenes, and has alot of foreshadowing*

*comment on the story, for suggestions I'm opened to them.*

Chapter 1: (Teesha POV)

* 9 months before (December) *

Me and my cousin, LaKiyah was too geeked , We was going to New Orleans this Christmas. I was overily cheered with joy just because we gotten the gammas 11s, and the taxis 12s the day before, also my cousin Lakiyah which is my cousin on my Brother's wife side , finally gets to meet MY family, but for the most part family or not she's my cousin. Lakiyah is milk chocolate and has 26 inches of Peruvian hair , also about my height, she's 18, and is like my role model.

"Teesha and Lakiyah , yall better have yall shit packed so we can roll outta here", my brother nagged. We shook our heads in disbelief, he must don't know , WE BEEN PACKED ! As we giggled amung ourselves, we loaded our things to our car. After we loaded our thing we loaded our stuff we had to load our selves into the 2013 Infinity , and the only thing on our minds were the niggas. We have an 8 hour drive and wasn't nothing or anyone going to stop us.

*8 hours later*

As we see the daylight hit our eyes I knew where we were, New Orleans. We pasted the Daiquiri shop and the Winn Dixie , and it felt like home. We pulled up to an unusual street called Sue Ker , in the neighborhood where my grandma Jessie lives , she stayed a couple blocks ahead. This beautiful middle aged lady opens the door and reaches out to hug my brother. Lakiayh and I said in harmony, "who's this", we questioned to Tiffany. "that's terrys auntie Pat", she said.

We walked into the house and looked around as if we were out of place, damn, we said. "This a nice ass house", I thought. A man slighty darker then Terrys aunt's husband Mr.Pat , stepped to us and asked , "Are y'all hungry", he smiled. He laughed because our looks were priceless , because all we could thing about was when the fuck was we gonna get something to eat.

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