Weirdo Ending

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Anna turned around and said, "So, Calee. Did your little Snookums run away with gay boy?" Calee glared at Anna and said, "Shut. The. F**k. Up." and slapped her food to the ground. "My fries," Anna said sadly before going all ape-like on Calee. "YOU ABUSED FOOD! FOOD ABUSE!" Ella screeched while she was cleaning the floor. "Where's my Pooka Cookieeeee..." Calee slurred, falling on the floor. Ella motioned to the window and said, "Dead." and winked at Anna. Anna nodded as Calee screeched like a baby banshee toddler on and in a fire without cookies while watching their parents burn in the fiery pits of Hell. Anna rolled her eyes as Calee screamed, "GIVE ME MY BABY BOO! GIVE HIM TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I WANT MY SWEET CHEEKS BACK. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" Anna snapped at Calee, "SHUT UP OR I'LL GAG YOU WITH AN OLD SOCK!" "OOH! I think there might be one in the dumpster outside!" Ella said eagerly as she polished off her burger. "A dumpster sock?" Anna said, giving Ella one of her many 'disappointed mom' looks. "Yep." Calee rolled her eyes as Kaela and Ava walked in with Dylan. "YOU LEFT US AT WALMART? I HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM AND GET LUNCH. YOU LEFT US!" Kaela shouted at Ella as Ava tied Calee to a chair, watching her drunkenly flail like an idiot on drugs (Ella and Anna every day). "Oh, whoopsie daisy!" Anna said and giggled like she was drunk, but she wasn't. "Listen, you little s**t, you left me at Walmart, where we had to pick up this little a**hole. Then, YES, THERE'S MORE, You didn't leave me money for food. AND I HAD TO WALK, SEE MARY ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD EATING A DEAD POSSUM,  GET PUKED ON BY NOAH, AND SEE NOAH AND DEVIN MAKING OUT ON, YES, ON, THE DRIVEWAY!" Kaela said as Ava gagged Calee with an old sock. "Ava didn't seem to mind Dylan," Anna said and winked at Ava. Ava giggled and said, "Well, can ya blame me?" "Yes. Yes, we can." Ella said as Kaela went ballistic on Anna. Mary then ambled in and said, "What the f**k is wrong with you, Granat?" "Mary, dear. You just don't ask me that." Ella said as Anna shook her head shamefully. Mary slapped Ella and Anna before Ella walked out, walked back in to grab Anna's arm and pull her with her, got into her car, and drove away. "Where exactly are we going?" Anna said suspiciously. "They have more Girl Scout COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKIES!" She said as Ava, Kaela, and Dylan got into her car. "IF YOUR NAME IS DYLAN, GET OUT," Anna yelled, shoving him out the door. Ava got out and ran after him. Calee ambled out and got into Ella's car, saying "What the f**k happened? Like, where am I? Why do I feel drunk? Where are we going? Can I eat another mannequin? Was Devin really gay? Did I punch Noah? When did Dylan get here? Why-"  "WILL YOU F**KING SHUT UP?" Kaela shouted at Calee. Anna shoved Calee out of the car and Ella drove away quickly. Calee stood there and pulled out a box of mannequin bits "Yummy." Calee said as she shoved some into her mouth. "WHO EVEN SELLS THOSE?!" Anna yelled from the car. Calee turned around and yelled, "GOODWILL!! THEY HAD SOME OLD ONES FOR SALE." Calee screeched in between bites. Anna sighed and rolled her window up. "So, where to now?" Ella asked. "Uh, how about we can go to France! I know how to speak French!" Anna said. "YEAH!" Ella yelled. They dramatically drove off into the sunset, unaware that everybody dumb and not in the book was listening to them.

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