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Anna sat in her seat, right next to Ella. "And we play 18 MEASURES OF DEATH!" Ella said to the 5th graders, scarring them for life. Everyone sighed as Anna and Ella laughed. "We are so cringey," Anna said. Ella agreed. "So, we're having popcorn nugget thingies for lunch," Anna said with a smile. "Anna, it's popcorn chicken! POPCORN CHICKEN!" Ella rolled her eyes at Anna. "Jeez, get with the program." Anna walked up to Alexis to tell her the days' lunch. Ella kept walking until Anna could catch up, all while saying, "HAVE YOU MET OUR LORD AND SAVIOR SHREK?" at some random kid. When they walked into the room, Anna said, "I have a chromebook." "OK!" Ella said back. Ella pulled out her Chromebook and opened it, typing in and typed in "Ugly potato" in French. Anna, who was reading Kung-Fu For Me and You, Ella's strange story, laughed super hard, probably necessarily loud. "Hey, what is not wrong with you?" Calee said as she walked by. "Uh... Um." Anna stuttered. "Q-XD=666!!!!!" Calee rolled her eyes and said, "Sure" before walking away.

Fast-Forward 7 Years...

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