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  • Dedicated to Twenty

[Author's Note:I was supposed to write something for Imbroglio, but I ended up writing this instead. This isn't much of a detailed story, but I just had to let it out, you know. Only my friends could understand half of the things written here, but if you're interested to know, just comment or something and I'd love to answer it. This is something I've been bottling up for a while now and I just need to get it out of my system before I can finally say that I'm finally over it. :) Enjoy! ^^





"He doesn't care, he will never care. Because he likes somebody, and I know it's not me."

                                                                 *** should I put this?

I like him, and he acts as if he likes me as well. I'd say he was acting because of five reasons. First, I know I'm not his type. Second, he's too awesome to like a talentless, unintelligent girl like me. Third, I just know his preferences by heart - and by that, I mean that I know he likes girls who are beautiful, intelligent, and talented - everything I'm not. Fourth, people know him and it would be a shame in his part if he were to date me. Seriously, I'm too plain for him. He'd be embarrassed as hell to flaunt me in front of his jeering peers.

But that's just not the reason why I'd say he was feigning his feelings.

Fifth reason is that he likes somebody else.

He's smitten with her, for crying out loud! I could not possibly go against a pretty lady like her. They've known each other for almost a year now and based on the things I know about them, it seems like he's all-too-ready to court her or something. Most especially, I would not want to ruin his blooming relationship with her just to have my happiness, right?

That's just not right.


"They were roommates before. You know, back when they had their field trip during high school," my best friend, Sophie whispered almost frantically as we gathered up our things in sync to the ringing bell outside the classroom. My clock read 7:31PM which signalled the end of my last class for the day. 

"Who? What? What the hell are you talking about?" my stomach churned loudly, voicing out my hunger in public. I turned to Sophie in embarrassment, ready to let out a string of my well-rehearsed apology about my hunger. But she wasn't looking at me. She was too intent on remembering everything that James told her about his Zee.

"You know, I really don't understand why he'd name her Zee in his phone. I mean, why can't he just use her name, right? It's as if he's not proud of her at all. So weird..." she's still deep in her thoughts, deciphering every little thing that James said to her which would be of good use (probably) in the future. But to be honest, it's not like I'm interested anymore. I like him, but the idea of us being together just doesn't appeal much to me. 

I guess I could never imagine myself being so important and close to somebody of the opposite sex at all.

"Maybe he's just being protective of her. You know, cause people might spy on his phone and accidentally read their messages and shit," I emphasized those words on purpose, of course, since it was Sophie who spied on his phone and read their messages...

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