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In a far away land, there was a young princess who early fall in love with a young King. They were so close but the princess can’t express her feelings towards him for the reason she can’t speak.

The princess was already desperate to say aloud her emotions for him. She went to the wizard’s house and let him read her mind. He gave her instructions to follow then she leave.

A week later, the young princess went back to the wizard’s house and she gave him the hair he wanted. He made a potion and gave it to her. “You can speak after you drink this potion but there's a side effect. don't worry, it won't harm you, someone will sacrifice for you," the wizard said.

The young princess was overwhelmed, she forgotten to asked questions. She drunk it immediately and return home very happy. when she reached the palace she hurriedly went upstairs to tell the young King what she truly feels for him. but to her dismay, she found him suffrering from pain. Sweats flow in his face. She run towards him and asked what happen.

The young King replied, "When you asked my hair to mix it to a potion in order for you to speak, I Give it to you without hesitations."

She cried heavily of what she heard. "But why?"

Suffering ftom pain he tried to smile, "It is because I love you. I will give all what you want just to make you happy." After those words had spoken, he take his last brreath.

"If I just know that this will happen, I'll be happy to be mute for the rest of my life," the young princess said with despair. A heavy rain from heaven appears on Earth.

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