Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

     I couldn't help but stifle a sniffle as I watched the scene where Hermione just saw Ron and Lavender kissing in Gryffindor Common Room. Unrequited love. It happened to everyone in their lifetime, but at least Hermione got to end up with the guy of her dreams. Me, on the other hand? Well, let's just say it's still a work in progress.

     I sighed and tapped the pad of paper with the back of my pen and nervously bit my lip. How to continue the story next? In order for this to make perfect sense, I needed to start at the beginning. I ripped the page of paper off of the pad, and clicked the pen.

     My name is Octavia Glass, and this is my story . . .


     I dragged my feet as passed through the threshold of the class that I had been most dreading throughout the course of the day. Of course, my entire schedule had to have gotten changed halfway through the year just because I got moved up to Varsity Tennis for the spring season.

     Only me, I swear. I'm pretty sure fate hates me.

     Because Junior Varsity Tennis and Varsity had different practice periods, changing that one class had rearranged the order of all of my other classes. Now, I was headed for Computer Science, also known as my technology credit, found through making animations of elderly women doing Gangnam Style and photo shopping cats into space.

     The class wasn't that bad, honestly. It was the prospect of having to have not just one but two times this year that I would have students going, 'Octavia Glass? Does she even go here?' when the time came to pass back assignments. I would then roll my eyes at the imbeciles who couldn't even take the time to learn my name, set them straight, and take my paper.

     Mr. Nelson, the teacher, was sitting in a desk in the front of the room, and judging by the mass of crinkles on his face, he could have been my grandfather. To the right of his desk was a paper taped to the wall with a layout of the room plastered on it, and with everyone's names placed in little boxes around the room.

     The places for the students to sit were organized oddly. Mr. Nelson only had two seating charts- one for the first semester and one for the second. Eight tables were placed around the wall, while four were back to back in the center. Each table lay at least two feet away from another, and two computer monitors were placed at each table. In short, that other person who sat next to you was going to be not just your only talking vicinity, but they were also half of your grade, as that half of your grade came from projects, which were done as partners. If you got someone bad, well, life sucks, doesn't it?

     I trudged up to the list, dreading what was to enter my vision. I scanned the paper and found my last name in that little box. It was in a table against the wall, luckily, because in the previous semester, I had been one of the eight students in the middle, and every eye always seemed to be on me.

     The name next to mine was a name that I hadn't heard of, but it wasn't a surprise for me. I knew only my close-knit group of friends and everyone else wasn't of my concern. Vance McArthur was his name.

     The bell rang, slow and drawn out, but still loud enough to make me cringe as it rang. Mr. Nelson's blank gaze at his computer didn't change, and I doubted that it ever would.

     I rushed over to my seat, and quickly found the table that was claimed as mine for the next few months. I dropped my stuff down on the ground beside my chair and sat down. The girl next to me was reapplying the brightest shade of lip gloss she could have found and dabbing on a pound of bronzer to her cheeks, and I refrained from rolling my eyes at her.

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