But Wait Aren't You From the Game

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It was a tiring day of school and you really didn't want to get started on the powerpoint and essays and you really want to avoid the math homework. So you turned on your PS4 and started playing Persona 5 you had just started the game a few days ago so you're still in Kamoshida's castle. You didn't have very much time to play with school and your part time job. But so far you were enjoying it each time you got a chance to play.

So here you were playing when everything glitches out and the power cut off making you lose progress you just knew it. You pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight and made your way over the breaker box and saw the switch was fine, still turned the way it was suppose to be, so you decided it the whatever being above telling you to do your homework. Deciding you were gonna play latr if you finished early, while you ate. So while you were in your room on your laptop in the dark writing an essay, you didn't see the t.v. turn back on and a certain character and cat fall out of the t.v. nor did you heard them fall for you were listening to music pretty loudly. The person and cat collected themselves and looked around in the dark barely able to see but they knew they weren't in the alley leading to the café, they talked to each other and questioned where they were, waiting for the lights to turn back on before they would explore.

While searching for a song you could've swore you heard a male voice and a boyish voice talking to each other. Taking out your headphones you kept listening and heard whoever it was carrying on a conversation, startling you and you began to wonder how they got in. You felt around for your metal bat and began to cautiously walk towards the voices, knowing the layout of your decently sized apartment by heart in the dark. Once you made it to the living room where the t.v. and various game consoles lay, the lights finally came back on and what you saw left you speechless and made the bat slip from your fingers and clatter to the carpeted floor.

"Oh, hello Miss"


The cat spoke first then the male. Just hearing the cat talking made you scream slightly but your voice cracked and sounded pitchy as you pointed at them.

"Calm down Miss! Please!" the cat spoke, the male looked slightly taken aback.

"H-How did you g-get here?!" You stuttered out your voice hoarse.

"Right... we did show up in your home unexpectedly but we mean no harm" the cat spoke then it hit you, you knew them from the game, it was the protagonist and Morgana.

:"I know who you are... I'm wondering how you got here?" you spoke in a questioning tone. This information surprised them as they had shocked faces but the Protagonist's face wasn't too surprised.

"You're from the game right?" you asked to which they nodded.

"How did you get here?" you asked confused.

"I'll explain that" the Protagonist said.

"I was getting tired of the same old missions and life and story being replayed over and over again. So I wished for change and someone to show me different. So here Morgana and I are... So I guess my wish came true..." His deep, smooth voice spoke. You were surprised by his explanation but you understood you would get bored of the same thing being played over and over again as well. What surprised you was they knew it was a game an there was life on the other side.

"Well I guess I'm supposed to show you that life?" you asked and he nodded his head.

"Well I'll try as best I can but my life is pretty boring" You explained and he smiled and shrugged.

"Akira Kurusu and it'll beat the same old thing being played more than once" he said smirking and holding out his hand.

"(Y/n) (L/n) and I hope to change that" you said shaking his hand and then bent down to Morgana's level.

"You're Morgana right? I hope you enjoy your time as well" You said smiling.

"I will Miss (Y/n)."

In My World Now (Akira Kurusu x Reader) Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now