haunted camera and odd fair

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《Mizouka's P.O.V》

When I reopened my eyes everyone was gone except for ciel, but he was now playing with a replica of the manor. "Whered the camera go?" I asked as I walked around his desk to see what he was doing. "I sent it with the others for their job." He responded as he placed three soldiers around a black sheep.

"Hm...at this time of day he'd be in the library." Ciel mumbled to himself before moving all four of the pieces to another room. "And next, he'll straighten up every room." Ciel said as I stared at him curious to what exactly he was talking about. He continued to say stuff to himself aloud while bbn moving the pieces around, but he left one of the soldiers outside of the little mansion replica for some odd reason.

"Mizouka could you be a dear and untie this for me then ring the bell for sebastian?" Ciel asked so I nodded before undoing his blue tie and ringing the bell for sebastian. I hid under Ciel's desk as sebastian came in to redo the blue tie. Baldroy and Mey-Rin peaked through the window and tried to take a picture of Sebastian while he did it, but he finished and looked over at them.

They both ducked down as sebastian opened the window and looked left then right. "Let's air out this room a bit, shall we?" Sebastian said before leaving the room so I crawled out of my hiding spot. Sadly a few seconds later sebastian returned so I hid before he gave ciel his tea and dessert. When he left again I stood up and dusted my butt off because it was a little dusty under that desk, I'm not gonna lie.

"I would ask what exactly your doing, but since it obviously involves sebastian I'm not going to." I stated while walking behind ciel before untying his eyepatch which fell in his lap. "What are you doing?" He asked while closing both his eyes and sipping his tea. "Making sure my prize is still in perfect condition." I stated as I walked to his left and stared at his eye.

I licked my lips before smiling and redoing his eyepatch like it originally was. As I finished Lou, Mey-Rin, Tanaka, Baldroy, and Finny entered the room. Lou said he'd help Ciel get a picture of Sebastian because he could easily do it. "Fine." Ciel said as I followed him and lou down stairs as a guest arrived.

"Not to be rude but what brand of idiot is he?" I asked ciel while pointing at lou who looked majorly offended because of my statement. "No idea to be honest." Replied ciel as we watched sebastian and the guest walk up but the guest stopped to stare at theis strange girl who was obviously with Lou. Sebastian on the other hand was still walking up the steps so I snickered at how Lou failed.

"That was your big plan?" Ciel asked with a slight blush and I slightly narrowed my eyes at the girl in slight jealousy. "Is she prettier than me?" I asked in my head as I stared at her then thought about myself. "How could it fail? I was sure a butler would stop a moment to stare." Lou said in disappointment.

"If that was your idiotic plan then we should've put Mizouka up their in her bathing suit. He'd at least stop to look at her then." Ciel said in a slightly angered tone as I glared at him. :I'm never, EVER wearing that swimsuit again." I stated before following him back to the study where he started thinking.

Time skip...

I have no idea why, but when they finally got that photo I passed out because of shock. Now as I wake up the three idiots are looking at a photo. "Who's in it?" I ask curiously as I peek over their shoulders to catch a glimpse. "Well the master, Pluto, sebastian, and...you." Mey-Rin said as she showed me the photo.

"How did I get there?" I asked while staring at the photo before tearing it to shreds. "Hey?! Obviously either the young master or Pluto care a lot about you!" Baldroy said as he picked up the torn pieces and started to piece them back together. I looked outside and gasped slightly as it began to snow. Dusk turned to night as quick as it came so I got ready for bed. I had no more from the young lord today so I suppose that I get to sleep in my own comfy bed for once.


Sebastian was shaking me awake so I stirred before opening my eyes to look at him. "What?" I asked blandly as he gave my his very strange smile. "The young lord requested that you come with us to the ice fair. Please wear this ontop your usual maid outfit." Sebastian said while setting a black and white thing for my arms on the bed. He then left my room as I sat up to get ready.

First I brushed my hair and styled it as usual. Then I put on my maid outfit before putting on the strange thing sebastian had left for me. As I exit my room I'm dragged down the stairs and forced to sit with sebastian on the ride there. "I might get a disease from being this close to you." I spat angrily as I crossed my arms and legs. Once we arrived we walked around until the two boy's stopped to chat.

On the other hand I stopped to stare at the statue of queen Elizabeth with a beautiful ring on. "Cone on Mizouka." Ciel said so I quickly ran to catch up to them as they walked passed the tents. Ciel was very rude towards one of the people selling stuff because he had a Fake Noah's ark. As we started walking again ciel stopped to have a conversation with a Police officer.

Police here are called Scotland yard for some reason and I don't understand. The guy slightly chased Coel when he began to walk so sebastian hit the man before saying ciel was touch fragile. "Awe are you extra fragile today?" I whispered in his ear with a smirk as he glared at both me and Sebastian before we began walking again.

We stopped at an extremely odd looking tent and entered with the Scotland yard person behind us. Ciel sat and ordered tea which he began drinking immediately. They had a short conversation that resulted in us walking to some place labeled 'Under taker'. Ciel demanded that the strange white haired man tell him more about the hope ring that him and abeline have been talking about.

Sebastian was glaring daggers at abeline the whole time for who knows what reason and I was in the corner. "Where is the ring you ask." The undertaker said to abeline and I prepared to hear him say 'I dont know', but he didn't. Instead he lead us outside the tent and to...

To be continued...

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