17 Bastard Walker Boy

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"You really think I burned the word rapist into the baseball field?"
I squinted at Mr. Porter, his accusation really blowing my mind. The girl in the wheelchair definitely had something to do with the word Rapist staining the baseball field, no doubt about that. I shook my head.
Mr. Porter sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "miss Andrews, you and your friends were at the baseball field at the time of the discovery-"
"WE discovered it," I told him, leaning forward slightly, "I can't believe you think we would do something like that!"
He tapped his pen on the desk, contemplating my argument, seeming to realize that his accusation was utterly wrong.
"I'm sorry, miss Andrews. Head to class."
I huffed, turning and pushing myself through the open door.
"Hey, what was that all about?" Justin caught up with me and I shook my head.
"He accused us of vandalizing the baseball field."
"What?" He asked in disbelief, "but.. that doesn't make any sense."
"I know," I sighed, "He knows it wasn't us."
"Then, does he know who it really was?" He asked, reaching out to open the door for me.
"Nope," I popped the 'p', looking up at him.
"Well," he started, "I think I might have an idea."

Justin just may have been right.
I watched Tyler Down and his new buddy strut down the hall wearing black t-shirts with the word "Asshole" written across the chests. They wore them proudly, which gave me all the more reason to believe that they were the ones that vandalized the field.
I closed my locker and turned around, hurrying after the pair to get answers.
"Tyler Down," I called, causing him and his friend to turn around, "I have a question for you."
"It better be good, Andrews," he folded his arms over his chest and I rolled my eyes at his bad boy act.
"Did you two vandalize the baseball field?"
Their faces went pale, and they started tripping over their words and looking to each other for help.
"Justin was right," I muttered, turning away when Tyler grabbed my chair and pulled me to a stop, "whoa, what the hell?"
"Don't tell anyone," Tyler whispered harshly, "Bryce deserves it, and you should understand, being one of his victims and all."
I watched them hurriedly walk to class, debating on whether or not I should turn them in to Mr. Porter, but I was frozen.
I looked down at the faint scars on my wrist, and thought about the night of the party. It all came back to haunt me at once, and I suddenly felt it become harder and harder to breathe. I felt tears rushing to my eyes as my breathing quickened, my inhales becoming sharper and louder.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa," Zach dropped his books onto the floor, kneeling down and taking my face in his hands, "hey, hey, shhhh, shh, it's okay, Emm, breathe with me, okay? Breathe."
"Whoa, what's happening?" Jess dropped her bag, kneeling down next to Zach and rubbing my arm comfortingly.
"She's having a panic attack," Zach told her quickly, "stay here with her, I'll get the nurse."
"Okay," Jess took his place and began trying to help me control my breathing, "it's gonna be okay, love, the nurse should be coming soon."
Tears fell from my face and I cried at the pain I felt, it felt like I was going to die.
Everyone began to crowd around us, making it even harder to breathe and causing the pain in my chest to increase. I wanted so badly to be able to scream 'GO AWAY' but I couldn't get any words out at the moment, and Jess was freaking out about me freaking out.
"Everyone go to class," the nurse yelled at everyone, hurrying to my aid. She quickly took me to her office away from the crowd.

The car was silent, the only sound that could be heard was the constant rain drops hitting the windshield, and the windshield wipers washing them away. I didn't know what to say, because I didn't know how to tell my mother what had been on my mind during the attack.
I sighed, looking out the window at the gloomy overcast of the town.
"Are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Her soft voice broke the silence, bringing tears to my eyes. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her so badly what had happened at that party. But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Instead, I shook my head slowly, not turning from the window.
She pulled over to the side of the road, shifting into park and turning off the engine. I turned to look at her and she was looking right back at me with soft eyes.
"I'm not taking you home until you talk to me," she said simply, giving me a small smile, "you will feel better once you tell me what's on your mind, love."
I curled my lips inward, tasting the saltiness of my tears.
"You remember the night of my accident," I choked the words out, and she just nodded, allowing me to continue.
I let out a shaky breath, "before Jeff and I left that night.. something happened."
She placed her hand on my arm, running her thumb over it slightly, "tell me, sweetie."
"I.. I.. I," I lost it, I cried, "I was raped. Bryce Walker raped me at that party, mom."
I watched as her eyes filled with rage, her face tinted red as her knuckles turned white from such a tight grip on the steering wheel. Her lips pursed together tightly, releasing a long exhale through her nose.
"Mom," I sniffed, then cried, "I'm sorry."
She didn't move an inch, but muttered, "this isn't something you should be sorry for. This is something that that bastard Walker boy is going to wish had never happened."

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