06 Rumor Has It

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"I have a question for you Justin."

Justin had two tapes?
Hannah explained how Clay was gone for the Summer, and how she just needed a change. That was when she cut her hair.
"Because you can't change other people. But you can change yourself."

"If I had known what would happen. What that night had in store. I might never have walked through that door. But parties have a weird magic."

The party.
The party that never should have happened.
My stomach turned just thinking about it.

"There are four stories to tell about that night. But I'll tell this one first."

This was Justin's second tape, but what did he do at the party? I was with Zach part of the night, then I got mixed up with Jeff, I barely saw Hannah, she was with Clay the whole time and they disappeared for awhile.

"How did I end up in that bedroom? That's another story. But for now, Justin.. you've been with the same girl all night. I'm not gonna call her out by name. Even though, if you were at that party, you already know."

"Jessica," I whispered to myself. What did he do to Jessica?

It was so hard to listen to this tape. Hannah had witnessed Jessica being raped. I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would have been like. And she couldn't help her. I can't blame her, I would have reacted the same way. But even Justin had the chance to stop it. He should have never let Bryce into the room.

"That girl had two chances, and we both let her down."

I stared at Jessica from my locker, feeling so sorry for her. I needed to talk to her, but all I could do was stare.
"You listened to tape 9, didn't you?"
I jumped at Clay's sudden voice behind me.
"Jesus Christ, Clay, don't do that," I held my hand to my chest, getting my breathing under control again.
"Sorry," he muttered, "anyway, I talked to her. She thinks Hannah is lying. Justin told her that Hannah was lying."
"But why would Hannah lie?" I asked, "for her own fucking entertainment? It's not like she got anything out of it. She's dead."
I wanted to take back the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.
"Please, forget I said that," I sighed, and Clay looked back at me sympathetically.
"It's okay, Emm," he told me, "you're right. People need to realize it."

"Are you and Zach back together?"
I looked at Sheri, who sat right next to me in math. She had a smile on her face, but why would she ask that? No one ever saw us together unless it was me turning him away in the halls.
"What? Why?" I asked her, and she pulled out her phone.
"This picture got sent around this morning," she showed me the screen. It was a picture of me and Zach kissing at his car last night.
"What the hell," I took the phone from her hands, trying to get a better look at the picture, "who took this?"
Sheri shrugged, "I-I don't know, everyone's been talking about it, though, I'm surprised you haven't heard yet."
I rolled my eyes, "that's just like this fucking school, isn't it."
"Hey, it's okay," Sheri touched my arm, "you and Zach are like, my otp," she laughed, "and no ones saying anything that bad..."
"Thanks," I sighed, "I just wanna know who followed us and took the picture."
Sheri looked around, "who around here is well known for taking pictures of things that he shouldn't?" She raised her eyebrows, hinting at the possible culprit.
"Tyler Down," I nodded, "I should've known."
"Shhh! Do your work!"
"Sorry, sir," Sheri sighed, and we went back to doing our work.

During passing period, I found Zach waiting at my locker. He looked worried, and he placed his hand on my shoulder when I reached him.
"Are you okay?" He asked, brushing a loose strand of hair from my face.
"Yeah, I'm okay, why?" I looked around at everyone that stared at the two of us, whispering to each other.
"Oh, Umm, I wasn't sure if you heard..." Zach scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"Heard what?" I asked, "that the picture of us is going around? Tyler Down is such a creep."
"Oh, yeah, the picture, but, that's not what I was talking about," Zach looked around, then back at me, getting closer.
"The Baker's are going to trial against the school," he told me, and my stomach twisted. I wanted to throw up.
"Oh," was all I could think to say in that moment. I thought about the tapes, Hannah's voice, the stories she had to tell. Her parents didn't even know.
As if on cue, Olivia Baker walked down the hallway, catching my eye as she did so. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she carried a tissue in her hands. I tried to smile at her, but I couldn't. She put on more of a smile than I could have. She was so strong. I hadn't even bothered to visit since I got out of the hospital. It was almost too much.
"I, uh," I looked down at my lap, trying not to cry, "I have to go."
I left Zach at my locker and headed towards the exit. I couldn't stay here. I had to go somewhere to clear my mind. Maybe even just go somewhere by myself to cry. I don't know. I needed to do something, anything, to get away.
"Emm, where are you going?" Zach called after me, but I couldn't answer. I was choked up, and if I said a single word, I would cry.


This chapter is poorly written and I'm sorry

Hope you enjoy

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