Small and Cold

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Financier looked at the group of three before her.

"Ah, Lady Vert, Oracle Hakozaki, Lady Blanc is waiting for you." She said in a cheerful tone while bowing her head to the Goddess and her Oracle. When she looked back up, she caught notice of the short blonde-haired boy behind them. "Oh, who is this?"

"Financier, this is my little brother, Visio." Vert smiled while turning to allow the Loweean Chamberlain to get a better look, "Say hello, Visio."

"H-Hello." Visio gave a small wave, adjusting his glasses, "It's nice to meet you." 

"It's pleasant to make your acquaintance, Sir Visio." She responded cheerfully, bowing her head for him. 

"You're not surprised that he's a boy?" The Oracle questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh no, I'm very surprised Oracle Hakozaki, it is certainly a shock." She replied, "Oh! If you could please follow me to Lady Blanc's Quarters, she doesn't want you to arrive late."

"Understood, please lead the way Financier." Vert nodded, motioning for Visio to follow as the three made their way down the long halls of the Basilicom. 

The whole interior was practically spotless, so clean that the group's figures reflected off the blue marble floor. Each step they took was followed by an echo that reverberated through the halls, sunlight shining through the windows that lined the walls.

"So how's Lowee's CPUs been holding up?" Asked Chika. 

"Very well actually! Her and Lady C-Sha have been doing an excellent job clearing out the rest of the monster's from Lowee's outskirts." 

"Right," she replied. "And who's this 'Lady C-Sha' person?" 

"Oh, you'll have to forgive me Oracle Hakozaki, I've forgotten that you weren't present for the events that took place a month or two ago." Financier approached the door at the end of the hall, "Though I believe it would be better if you asked her yourself." She gave the door a few knocks.

"You may enter." A soft voice said on the other side.

The huge door leading to Lowee's CPU opened as Financier stepped to the side, giving the group entry. The room was surprisingly long with what looked to be a table on an alter, blue banners hung from the ceiling, the walls were a pearl-white with blue pillars in the four corners of the room. 

Blanc looked up from her book.

"I was worried you were going to be late." She said quietly.  The brown-haired girl's facial expression didn't change as she looked at the trio. 

"I simply couldn't miss this meeting of course." Blanc's expression didn't change as she set down her book and began to approach them. "You've brought your Oracle with you too?"

"It's an honor to meet with you again after so long, Lady White Heart." Chika greeted.

"You don't have to be so formal." 

"It's only natural that an Oracle addresses a Goddess of another nation formally." She said with a smile. "If you don't mind me asking, your Chamberlain mentioned a Lady C-Sha, and I would like to meet her myself in person."

"Ah, I'm sorry, but she's out on a Quest right now." She responded calmly. "So it's just me, Rom, and Ram for now."

"Lady Blanc, the tea is ready." Financier said, walking into the room with a tray of tea-cups, and saucers.

"Thank you, Financier. Everyone, please have a seat." Blanc said as she moved carefully up the steps towards her table and sat down. With everyone else, save Financier, following after.

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