The Birth of a Candidate

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Vert never considered herself to be the jealous type, but she couldn't help feeling a tinge of longing when she saw her fellow CPU's with their sisters. Neptune was lazy and absentminded at times, but she wasn't shy about making sure her sister Nepgear felt loved and welcomed. Noire was hard on Uni, but she did give her sister some well earned compliments she deserved, and Blanc's love for her sister Ram and Rom was very obvious. Especially the rare times when she skipped on her work to play with her sisters. 

And then there was her, no sister or sibling of her own to be seen. 

She usually tried to hide her feelings from the other's, the feeling of being alone. Of course, she had Chika, her Oracle, but it wasn't the same as to having an actual  sister. So it came as a surprise when she got an urgent call from Histoire.

Needless to say, she had an idea of what it could be, and she struggled to contain her excitement. But there is always the possibility that it isn't what she's thinking.

She took a deep breath before walking to the center of her Basilicom, where she saw Histoire, and a, young looking man? He somewhat looked like a male version of her, short blonde hair, same blue eyes, that were currently behind  the glasses that he was wearing. He wore a green jacket, with a black t-shirt underneath that had a green power symbol right in it's center. He wore blue jeans and green/white shoes.

The young man looked around the Basilicom, amazed by it's beauty. He then noticed Vert's presence, but before he could speak, Histoire spoke up first.

"Ah, there you are Vert!" The Tome happily greeted, seemingly unaware of the Goddess' confused face she was giving to her.

"Oh, well um, hello Histoire. It's a pleasure to see you here, but..." She pointed at the man. "Who's this young man?"

"Ah! Well, Vert, have you notice the sudden spike in your share rate lately?" 

"Yes?" Vert answered. She had a nagging feeling of what this was, but... She shouldn't come to a conclusion just yet. 

"Well, as a result of the inflation in your shares, a new Goddess- or, well shall I say, God  was born." Vert's eyes widened, a... God? A Male CPU? Something like this hasn't happened in, well, ever! Well, as far as she knew.

"This new God is standing beside me. It truly is an astonishing event, really!"  Histoire said, clearly excited on the new event that had occurred.

Vert was at a lost for words, this young man before her, was a God? 

"But, that is not all." The Tome said, catching Vert's curiosity. "This young God beside me, is also your new little brother."

The CPU went silent, the lack of an initial response began to concern the Tome, not to mention a little worried. Vert looked as if someone had dropped a bomb onto Leanbox itself! 

"W-what?" Vert asked, barely audible to anyone else but her and Histoire.

"Are you alright, Vert?" The Tome asked, worried for the Goddess.

"Y-yes, it's just, I wasn't prepared for this..." The Goddess said, taking a deep breath.

Histoire cleared her throat. "I know it is shocking to hear Vert, but this is true. It's one thing to have a sibling be born, but for a sibling to be born a male, that is indeed a rare sight."

Vert closed her eyes, lost in thought. She had it, what she has always wanted. A sibling of her own! But... it wasn't a sister, like she had hoped... Sure, it is exciting to have a sibling, one that's a Male no less, but it wasn't what she had really hoped for...

She opened her eyes. "What's your name, young man?" 

The Newborn Candidate looked a little surprised before adjusting his glasses in a way that Vert could only describe as being, cute. "U-uh, my name is Visio. It's a pleasure to meet you Big Sister! I hope to be of help in someway or another!" Visio happily greeted his new big sister, an excited smile on his face. 

Upon hearing the words "Big Sister", Vert could not help but feel as if her heart had been on fire. Her previous thoughts evaporated from her mind instantly. This young man, Visio, was her  brother and she would treat him, and cherish him as such. No matter what, she will always be there with him.

She smiled before surprising the Leanbox Candidate with a hug, wrapping her arms around him and embracing him. Visio was taken aback a bit, before hugging his big sister back. 

Vert didn't seem to notice or care about the tears streaming down her cheeks. She had a smile on her face, happier than she has ever been in her immortal life. She pulled back and looked her brother in the eyes, wiping away her tears. 

"Welcome to Leanbox, Visio." 

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