Ice Cream

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"One chocolate sundae and one banana-mango smoothie. That will be $9.34," the cashier said, adding up the total on her cash register. Shane reached into his wallet and handed her a ten dollar bill.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay for mine?" Shania asked, putting a hand on her purse, which was hanging around her shoulder.

"Nah, don't worry about it. It's my treat," Shane replied as the cashier handed him the change.

"Have a good evening!" she said cheerfully.

"You too!" Shania returned her greeting as she and Shane found a table and sat down. "I love how people are so friendly here," Shania commented as she took a bite of her chocolate sundae.

Shane smiled. He knew that Shania's favorite place in Colorado Springs was Cassidy's Cakes and Ice Cream. "That's why we came here," he replied.

"But it doesn't always have to be what I want!" Shania giggled. "You should have a say in these things, too!"

Shane gazed at Shania, admiring her straight, brown hair that framed her naturally beautiful face. Her green eyes shone with happiness, indicating that she enjoyed being with him. "Hey, don't worry about it," Shane told his girlfriend, not taking his eyes off her. "If it makes you happy, it makes me happy too."

Shania took another bite of her sundae and smiled. "If you say so!" she replied.

Shane sipped on his smoothie. "How's school and family life going?" he asked Shania.

"Well, family life is going pretty good," she answered. "School, well that's a different story. I have so much homework to do and so little time." She stirred her sundae with her spoon.

"Isn't that the way it always goes?" Shane agreed with her. "The average amount of sleep I get every night is about three hours."

"Are you serious?" Shania said, surprised. "How do you manage?"

"Oh, I manage," Shane replied casually, taking a drink of his smoothie. "Lots of caffeine, I guess."

"You should really try and get more sleep," suggested Shania. "One of these days, your body's gonna break down."

Shane gave her a funny look. "Oh, that's nonsense," he scoffed. "I've gone days without sleep, and I haven't died yet."

"I'd hope not!" Shania exclaimed.

Yeah, well a couple months ago, I almost died, Shane thought to himself, stirring his smoothie with his straw. His eyes darkened as he remembered that night.

"Are you okay?" Shania's voice interrupted Shane's thoughts.

Shane looked up. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Just thinking about stuff." Glancing at Shania's empty dish, he found an easy way to change the subject. "You done?"

"Yep," Shania answered. "It was very good, thank you!"

"No problem," Shane replied, getting out of his chair. He led the way outside, throwing away the rest of his smoothie in the trash along the way. 

Shane dug in his pocket for his keys and pulled them out, pressing the automatic lock button to unlock his car. The headlights flashed on his black Ford Fusion and he proceeded to open the driver's door and hop inside. Shania followed him by getting into the passenger's seat, slamming the door shut behind her.

"So how has your mom been?" Shania asked as she put her seat belt on.

Shane started the engine and backed out of the parking lot. He thought about the last couple months. His mom had just finished an eight-week course of chemotherapy, which had left her thin, tired, and ragged. She slept most of the time and barely had enough energy to keep up with the chores. Therefore, his dad had been designating chores to each member of the family, Shane included. So in addition to his homework, job, and sports practices after school, he had to help wash dishes, clean the house, and do the family's laundry. Needless to say, everything combined was leaving him very sleep deprived and irritable.

But Shane was still reluctant to share his problems with Shania. To him, it was a sign of being weak and pathetic. He felt obligated to handle everything on his own, and that was exactly what he was going to do. "My mom is fine," he replied as he drove along. "Just finished an eight week course of chemo. She's tired, but fine."

"Well if you guys need help with anything, please let me know," Shania stated. "I'd be happy to help with chores or something. Or even to watch your little siblings so you can get your homework done."

"Thanks," Shane replied. "I'll keep that in mind." However, he had no intention of utilizing Shania's request.

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