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"I'm so excited to start school again!" Sharyn announced to her siblings with an enthusiastic gleam in her brown eyes. She was busy putting the last of her school supplies in her backpack. "I finally get to see my friends!"

The Reynolds household was bustling with action on the first day of school. Shania's younger siblings were chattering and playing around while Mrs. Reynolds was busy combing their hair and getting them dressed for school. Shania and her older sister Hollie  were all ready to go, since they needed to be at the high school earlier than the rest.

"I know," Shania answered, throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "I look forward to seeing them every year." Her straight, brown hair was combed neatly, hanging past her shoulderblades. She was wearing a white lacy top with blue jeans and her cowboy boots.

"Hey, I thought you just saw them at your party two weeks ago!" Hollie informed, slipping on her shoes with her car keys jingling in her hand.

"Yeah, I suppose I did," Shania replied, giggling as she twisted a lock of her brown hair around her finger.

Just then, Mrs. Reynolds entered the room with the three youngest girls trailing along behind her. "Are you guys ready to go?" she asked, glancing at Eric and Will, who were fooling around as usual. She was going to drive the younger kids to school while Hollie and Shania drove themselves to Colorado Springs High School.

"Almost," Will answered her, picking up his backpack.

"We're leaving now, Mom," Hollie said, heading out the door, her backpack slung over her shoulder and her keys in her hand.

"All right. Love you both," Mrs. Reynolds told them. "Goodbye!"

Shania followed Hollie outside towards her car, opened up the passenger door, and seated herself inside, placing her backpack at her feet. She watched as Hollie threw her backpack in the back seat, got in the driver's side, and put her keys in the ignition. After starting up the engine, she backed out of the driveway and drove down the gravel road that led into town.

"I'm nervous," Shania said, gazing out the window at the passing trees and houses.

"You'll be fine," Hollie reassured her sister as she made a left turn. "You've been going to Colorado Springs High School since last year."

"But the freshman kinda have their own little group," Shania pointed out. "So I won't know a lot of upperclassmen." The worry in her green eyes showed Hollie that she wasn't convinced.

"Yeah, it's really funny how you guys avoid the juniors and seniors," Hollie added, laughing. "Every time you pass one in the halls, you scoot over to get as far away from them as possible!"

"Oh, shut up!" Shania replied, playfully nudging her sister in the arm.

It wasn't long before Hollie and Shania arrived at the school. After parking the car, Hollie stepped outside, opened the back door, and reached inside her backpack, pulling out her class schedule. "Let's see," she said, looking down at the piece of paper. "I have English with Mrs. Volk first, then college algebra, then band, then my off period, then lunch."

Shania opened the car door and stepped out. Unzipping her own backpack, she pulled out her schedule and took a good look at it. "I have art first," she stated.

"Nice," Hollie replied.

Shania smiled. "I hope my friends are in my class," she said.

"Oh, I'm sure they will be," Hollie reassured her as she walked by Shania's side into the building. "See you later, Sis," she said to Shania as the two sisters parted ways.

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