-Chapter 2-

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Me and Vadik have been walking for a few minutes, and he's been telling me about where I'll stay and who to avoid, etcetera.

"My brothers are easy to find, they're all 9' tall. The one with a trench coat is Vaskur, more commonly known as Offender. The one with a polka dot suit is Xander, or Splendor. Finally, there's the one with glasses is Uffe, or Trender."
He explains.

Okay, so there's;

Slender/Vadik, (vah-dik)
Offender/Vaskur, (Vas-kah)
Splendor/Xander, (Zan-dah)
and Trender/Uffe. (Oof) (Whatameme)

"Where do we live?"
I ask quietly, and he explains,
"A collection of cottages, two to a house."
"Who will I live with?"
"Who should I avoid?"
"Vaskur, Jeff and Toby."
"Who should I stay with?"
"Me, Sally, Xander, Uffe, Ben and Jane."

The questions go on like that for a while, until we get to a small village like area in the forest.
"Here we are. I'll assist you to your house and introduce you to Ben. Oh! Could you do me a favour?"
Vadik asks, looking down at me hopefully.

I nod, and he continues, "I've had to cook for Ben, but I simply don't have the time. Would you mind preparing meals for the both of you?"

"Sure. Do I still have to eat?"
I ask as loudly as I can, and he explains,
"Technically not, but you can whenever you want to. Since your physical form is dead, you will no longer gain weight. Unfortunately, Ben loves eating..."

I let that new information sink in, and realise; I can eat anything and not have to worry about the consequences!
The corners of my mouth creep up slightly as I look around the small village that I'm going to live in.
This might not be so bad...

"Oh, Y/N. A lot of the people here are... They either don't look human or they aren't human. They can be quite sensitive about why, so don't ask them about it too much. Again, stay away from Vaskur and Jeff."

What's so bad about Vaskur and Jeff?
"I'll keep that in mind."
I state simply, following slowly behind Vadik as he leads me to a nice looking house with the number '3' written on the door.

"This is Ben's House, and where you'll be staying. He's obsessed with gaming; although he loves most games, not just videogames."

"Gaming like Tetris? Ping Pong? Kinda boring, don't you think?"
I chuckle quietly, subconsciously rubbing at my throat.

"Oh? No, I mean Call of Duty, Battlefield, etcetera."
He explains, and I tilt my head in confusion.
"I've never heard of those..."
I mutter, scratching my neck awkwardly.

Vadik looks at me for a second, and says, "How old are you?"

"Uhh... 20?"
I reply slowly.
"It is 2019, Y/N."
"It's 2019."

Realisation dawns on me.
I've been dead for... years...

"Well... Can we go inside? I mean- I'll adjust, sooner or later."
I stammer, the aftermath of shock causing me to shake slightly.

Vadik looks at me for a second, and nods. "Of course."

He pushes open the door and ushers me inside; I tale a few shaky steps forwards.
As nervous as I am, it's quite funny watching Vadik duck under the small door frame.
When he enters the room, I step behind him slightly.

"Ben, this is Y/N, your new housemate. Be nice to him, he'll be living here for a while. Y/N, I'll send my brother over for new clothes in a moment; but right now make yourself at home. We can introduce you to everyone tomorrow,"
Vadik says, opening the door again.
He waves, ducking under the frame again and leaving.

As I'm left alone with Ben, I scratch at my neck awkwardly.
"Your name's Y/N, right?"
He asks, pausing the game he's playing and turning to face me.

I notice that his eyes are strange; black with red irises. I think they might be bleeding.

I give a small nod in response, and manage a half-smile.

"Wanna play this game with me? It's two players."
He offers, holding out a controller.
"What game is it?"
I ask, sitting down on the seat next to him, and taking the controller from him.
"It's Battlefield. You played before?"

I chuckle and shake my head, and he shows me the controls as we start to play.


After an hour or so of playing, I was actually getting pretty good at the game.
We've been talking throughout, and he's filled in some historical facts that I've missed.

"Do you want me to cook some food, or..?"
I start, putting the controller down next to me and standing up.
"Are you a good cook?"
He asks, and I laugh quietly at his comment.
"I think so. What do you wanna eat?"

Ben thinks for a second, before his eyes light up and he yips, "Oh! Can you make cookies?"

Laughing again, I nod and make my way over to the kitchen.
A smile is playing at my lips when I take a few ingrediants from the tall cupboards on the wall.

Muscle memory kicks in, and before I know it I've weighed out all the ingrediants in a bowl and mixed them into a dough.
I mutter to myself as I remeber something.

In the tranquillity of my warm home, the frozen wind blows savagely outside.
A small fire rages in the corner of the room, and I'm taking a tray of fluffy golden-brown cookies out of the oven.
It's so peaceful and quiet.
It's so safe.
But I'm so alone.

As this memory flashes through my mind, I'm left dazed and confused.

I look down to realise that I've put the cookie dough in the oven already.

"What's happening to me..."

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