{XI} Natasha

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Clint and I were sent to spy on Percy and his girlfriend, Annabeth. We didn't know why though. We just knew it was just on Fury's personal orders. We were told to look out for any strange occurrences, especially ones to do with water. We were also told not to tell Stark or the other Avengers. It was classified information. Even from us.

We would pop into the tower from time to time and when they weren't there, we would keep an eye on them from a distance.

They were very hard to track as they didn't have phones and every bug we planted stopped working within 10 minutes. We would follow the tracker and just before we found them the dot on the screen would stop bleeping, but when we saw them the next time, they would have a fresh new wound. It was strange and all too regular.

What was even weirder was that the only time they were apart from each other was when one of them went to the bathroom or when Percy was heading back to the tower after walking Annabeth home.

Percy never let anyone in his room, other than Annabeth, so we never knew what happened in there. We could sometimes hear them talking to someone on speakerphone, but when we checked, Stark's phones weren't used at that time and they didn't have phones. Or laptops. Or tablets. No technology at all. No way of contacting anyone.

Stark took them out for the day. He wanted to show them the Avengers ride at the theme park and no one else was in the tower. Clint and I took it as an opportunity to search his room.

As we stalked into the tower, I spoke. "Jarvis, deactivate yourself."

"I cannot do that miss. To be deactivated, it has to be done manua..." He got cut off.

"I flipped the kill switch, or so to speak. I was helping Stark update Jarvis and he told me to do it last time to turn him off." Clint explained.

"Great. Now, let's search Percy's room." We ventured over to his room, stopping to look at the computers and other things he may have used.

Percy never seemed to use technology at all. He sounded like Loki speaking about lightning when we first met him.

"I don't mind technology, I'm just not overly fond of what comes after I use it," I remember him saying. It was very strange. We arrived at his room and tried to enter.

"Door's locked," Clint stated.

"But there's no lock." I pointed at the door handle. There was no place for a key anywhere on or around it. "And he doesn't like tech, so there's no way it's technologically sealed. Tell you what, we're not far from the top of the building. I'll abseil down to the window, you try and get it through the door."

I ran off to the lift and when I got there I heard an explosion. Clint had started shooting arrows at the door, but it obviously wasn't working as he would yell in frustration afterwards. I reached the roof, attached my line to the abseiling hooks that I had put there a few years before, and descended to Percy's bedroom.

I looked through the window of his room, but I couldn't see into the room. It was like it was one-way glass or something. I tried cutting it, but that wouldn't take. In the end, I swung back and shot it with a few bullets. Instead of breaking the glass, they rebounded. I managed to dodge them, but one hit my line and it tore. I started to fall.

Out of the blue, I was caught by Clint. He'd shot an arrow up and it latched onto the wall. We hung there for a minute before it pulled us back up. We climbed into the window he'd jumped out of.

"Thanks," I said dusting myself off. "How did you get there in time?"

"Well, I was having no luck with the door, so I thought I would try and break the wall down. I saw you outside and opened the window to see if you had any luck when I saw the bullet cut your line. I then jumped out the window, shot an arrow up and caught you before you went splat." He explained.

"Thanks," I said again. "Now, let's try this wall." We put some small explosives on it and hid behind the furniture in the room. The wall exploded and it didn't stay intact. We were in. 

Before we could enter though, we heard voices from down the hall. It was Stark. They were back. We waited for them to pass the door. Luckily Percy didn't want to enter his room right now, but we didn't want to risk anything. When they passed we made a break for it. Hopefully, they won't know it's us.



Just a pre-warning, the next story is quite quirky, and cliché, and pretty childish, but just stick with me. It's the only way I could think of to include some vital intel.

It'll all make sense, trust me.

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Later gators :) x

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