{II} Percy

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A month had passed since Annabeth and I had seen that movie. We looked everywhere for my parents. Olympus, the Underworld, Alaska, everywhere we could think of. They were nowhere to be found.

We were back at the apartment trying to figure out where we had gone wrong. Annabeth and I were also running base from the apartment on top of searching. We had sent Tyson and Mrs O'Leary off to the UK; Jason and Piper were in Japan; Frank and Hazel had gone to China; Leo and Coach Hedge departed to Australia; Nico went to Africa; Chiron and Reyna had sent search parties every which way; the marine animals were searching the darkest depths of the 7 seas; the wind nymphs were searching the highest heavens. We quite literally had every demigod, creature, and monster aiding in this quest to find my parents. It was extremely overwhelming. Luckily I had Annabeth by my side, or I would have buckled in the first week.

Just then the doorbell rang. Annabeth went to answer the intercom. "Hello?"

"Hi. I'm here to see Percy Jackson. Can you let me in please?" The voice asked.

"Umm... sure." She clicked the buzzer and let the stranger in. Demigods don't generally worry about strangers as we have so many other things on our plate, we just don't have the time to be mugged or kidnapped. When he knocked on the door, Annabeth opened it to let him in. She showed him to the lounge.

"Hi," I said holding out my hand. "I'm Percy and who are you?"

"Hi Percy," He said shaking my hand. "I'm Tony Stark."

"Cool," I replied. "Who?"

"Who? You don't know who I am?" Tony asked. I shook my head. "Do you know who I am?" He turned to Annabeth who also shook her head. 

She handed him a coffee. "Sorry. Are we meant to know who you are then?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm like literally the most famous person in the world. You've seriously never heard of me?" He asked again.

"Sorry. I have no clue who you are." I answered. He couldn't get over that fact. "So, who are you?"

"Iron-man? Stark Towers? Avengers? None of it ringing a bell?" We shook our heads again. "Wow, ok. Anyways, long time no see Percy. You were a baby when I last saw you."

"We've met before?" I asked even more confused.

"Yeah, I'm your uncle." He replied enthusiastically. "Well, step-uncle."

"WHAT NOW!?" Annabeth and I shouted at the same time.


I hate being that person who puts Author's Notes in all their stories, so they will be very limited. 

Just to let you know, I am very sorry if I have written a character in who is supposed to be dead. Truth be told, I haven't finished reading the book series yet. However, I'm an optimistic person, so even if I find out who dies, they will still be alive in these stories.

Thanks for reading them though, and please continue to do so, and vote, and comment.

Later gators :) x

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