34. I'm Officially Screwed

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Life was incredible. I was finally living the fairytale I had always dreamed about. My husband was exactly how I had fantasised him to be. The most caring, loving, respectful and dignified person. Martha said that I had brought a pleasant change in him. She told me she had never seen him smile as much as he smiles around me. I was the only person who had seen his playful side. When I saw him talking to people in his office on the phone, he'd morph into the most intimidating and serious person. It made it hard to believe that he was the same person who was being silly with me and booping my nose just minutes ago.

Oh and the biggest change I had brought was in his wardrobe. Something Martha was delighted to find out. I was shocked when she told me that she had never been able to convince Ethan to wear different colours because I convinced him easily. He listened to me a lot.

We had just returned from our one month long honeymoon in Europe. It was the most magical and carefree time of my life. And I still had a few more weeks before I started second year of medical college.

"Hi, it's Ana. Can I speak to Ethan?" I said over the phone to Alayah. She was Ethan's personal assistant. At first, I was really jealous when I found out about her being so close to Ethan. But once we met, I actually liked her. She was the only girl I had met who wasn't interested in Ethan. She maintained a professional relationship with him and I admired that.

"Mr. Woods is in a meeting right now, ma'am. If it's something urgent, I'll let him know right away?" When it came to me, Ethan was okay if his meeting was interrupted.

"Oh no. Please tell him to call me once he's done."

"Sure, ma'am. Have a good day."

I hung up and went to the lawn to just walk around when my phone buzzed and I paralysed when I saw the name of the sender of the new text message.


Shakily, I opened his text and my heart stopped. It was a picture of me. Naked. I can not explain the wave of fear that surged through my body, making it cold yet sweat at the same time.

You're so stupid, Ana. You should've never trusted this guy.

My phone buzzed again, making me jump.

Aaron: Ana, Ana, Ana. You aren't coming back to me, my Ana. So I have no choice. I'll have to leak this picture online.

My eyes went wide. I'll be ruined if he does that.

Me: Aaron, please, no. Don't do that.

Aaron: then come back to me.

Me: please leave me alone.

Aaron: I'm giving you one last chance, Ana. Say that you're coming back to me or this nude of yours is going online.

Me: Aaron, no!

Aaron: say it.

Me: no, I can't. Please don't do this.

Aaron: and posted.


My breath accelerated. I wanted nothing more than to die right on the spot. Terrified and having no idea what to do, I called Ethan with shaking hands. Alayah attended.

"Ma'am, sir is still in the meeting. Do you want me to give him the phone?"

"Y-yes, please. I-it's urgent." I stuttered.

"Alright, ma'am." She said and I waited impatiently.

Two minutes later, I heard Ethan's worried voice, "love? Is everything okay?"

"No, Ethan. Nothing's okay." I said, my voice shaking as tears began escaping my eyes.

"Anastasia, what happened? Are you okay?" He sounded more worried now.

"E-Ethan, I'm so s-sorry. Y-you're going to be so m-mad at me when you find out."

"No, baby, I won't get mad at you, I promise. Tell me what's wrong." He said soothingly.

"It's regarding my ex, Aaron."

"What about him?" His tone became cold.

"H-he asked me to come back to him."

"And what did you say?" His cold voice increased my anxiety. This was definitely upsetting him.

"I said no."

Get to the point, Ana.

How do I? How do I say it?

"Okay, and?" He prompted.

"He leaked my nude." I said finally after drawing in a breath.

Silence. Complete and utter silence. I could hear nothing but Ethan's breathing. "E-Ethan?" I stammered nervously. Will everything mess up now? Will he leave me? Will he never speak to me again? Will this be the end of my short-lived fairytale?

And then he hung up.

I'm officially screwed.

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