Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

We get EZ officially moved into our home, and I move to the kitchen to start cooking. Once dinner is done, we eat and he helps me clean up. Pinning me against the counter, I ask "What are you going to do?" He smirks and says "I'm going to make love to my wife right here on this counter." he rasps as he leans forward. Kissing me softly, he picks me up and places me on the counter. Stepping between my legs, he kisses me again and we start to shed clothing. Entering me slowly, he thrusts in and out as I hold him close to me. Moaning in his ear "Don't stop baby. Please." I almost beg. "I love you so much Aria. You're my world." he rasps. This thrusts start getting harder and faster and I find my release and he finds his right behind me. With him still inside me, I whisper "I love you EZ. I love you so fucking much." He kisses me softly and says "I love you too baby. Siempre."

After getting dressed, we move to the couch to watch a movie when there's a knock on the door. EZ answers the door and sees Angel standing there. "We have a problem brother." he says. I go to stand and EZ says "You can stay." I look at Angel and he nods. "Galindo called Bishop. Apparently his lovely wife told him that you've been hitting on her." Angel says. "Excuse me?" I ask. "Yeah." Angel says. I look at EZ and say "That bitch is mine." and see EZ smirk. "I'll let Bishop know you'd like to meet with them." Angel says before seeing himself out.

That evening, we pull up to the meet and I am with EZ. Getting off his bike, I have on my boots, jeans and black t-shirt. EZ laces his fingers with mine and I hear Galindo say "You wanted to meet?" Bishop smirks as he looks at Emily, standing beside Galindo and says "Not us, but the prospect's Old Lady does." I step forward and say "I hear you're being told that EZ is hitting on your wife." Galindo nods and says "What does that have to do with you?" I smirk and say "Well, he hasn't been the one going around her. She's been seeking him out trying to get him to be with her. Trying to cause problems with us. She's pissed that he not only turned her down but that he married me and not her." I tell him. "And how do you know this?" he asks. "Well, because I've been there with him every time she showed up. She showed up at the camper he was living in while we were getting his things packed to finish moving into our house now that we are married and she can't seem to get it through her head that he doesn't want her." I tell him. He looks at EZ and asks "That true?" EZ nods but says "She's been trying to cause problems for me and Aria. Telling me that she wants me and her to be together and she wants me to help her raise your son. Telling me that she misses me and still loves me but I don't love her. I don't miss her. I love my wife. I will always love my wife." he tells Galindo. "Well, thank you two for this bit of information. Congratulations on your marriage." he says before turning to Emily. "In the car. Now." he says. Looking down at her hands, she walks towards the car and I call out to her. "Emily." She looks up at me and I say "You come near my husband again, I don't care who you are, you will answer to me." I look at Galindo and he nods before they get into the car and leave.

After we get to the clubhouse, we walk inside and I am still fired up. "Brother, she needs to work through that adrenaline." Hank tells EZ. He walks over to me and picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to the dorm. As soon as we are inside the dorm, he locks the door and tosses me onto the bed. Stripping both of us of our clothes, he enters me roughly and fucks me hard and fast and it feels amazing. Slamming into me, I find release after release before he finds his inside me. Pulling out, he looks at me and I kiss him softly. "Thank you baby. I needed that." I tell him. "I know. I'll always be here baby." he tells me and I can't help but smile before he kisses me softly and lays beside me, pulling me close.

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