Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It's been a couple of days since I told the guys my idea for keeping them safe and EZ tells me "We have to go on a run. Meeting with Galindo and Adelita." He tells me. "Does Galindo have his son?" I ask. "Yeah. Your plan worked perfectly." he tells me. "Good." I say softly. He cups my face and asks "What is it?" I look at him and say "Just worried I guess. Worried that something will go wrong and I'll...I'll..." I say before he cuts me off with a kiss. "I'm not going anywhere." he tells me and I pull him to me and wrap my arms around him. Kissing my temple he tells me "I'm not going anywhere Bello. Te amo mi amor." he says and I look at him with a smile. "Te amo mi dulce. Siempre." I say softly. He kisses me deeply before walking to the door and heading out.

I am sitting at home the next evening when there's a knock on my door. I look through the peephole and see EZ standing there. I open the door and pull him to me and I hear him laugh as he picks me up. "Did you miss me Bello?" he asks, laughing. I kiss him deeply and when we separate, I say "I did." He kisses me one more time before putting me down. I pull him to the couch and sit, pulling him down next to me. "Your plan worked. Galindo brokered a deal with Adelita and the club doesn't have a clue that we were working with her." he tells me. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah Bello." he says before kissing me again. "I'm glad it worked out." I tell him. Pulling me into his lap, he nuzzles into my neck and places soft kisses to my neck and I can't help but sigh. He looks at me and I brush my nose with his and place a soft kiss to his lips and he whispers "Te amo." I look at him and smile. "Te amo." I say back before crashing his lips with mine and I move to straddle him. I whisper against his lips "Claim me Ezekiel." Picking me up, he carries me to the bed before he lays me down before we start shedding clothes and he makes love to me all night long before we fall asleep in each other's arms from blissful exhaustion.

Waking up the next morning, I am snuggled into EZ's chest and I feel his arms tighten around me and I can't help but smile. I look up at him and he places a soft kiss to my lips and sees the smile on my face. "Good morning." he says. "Yes it is." I say and he smiles wide. "I love you EZ." I say. "I love you more mi amor. You're mine. All mine." he says. "All yours baby." I say and he takes my hand and puts it over his heart. "You feel that?" he asks and I nod. "That beats for you. Only you." he says. "Have you ever been in love before?" I ask. "When I was younger. High school sweetheart. Called things off with her when I got locked up." he says. "Have you ever been in love?" he asks. "I thought I was with Tony but he...he...wasn't what I thought he was." I tell him. He tilts my chin back up to look at him and says "I'll never hurt you. Ever Bello." I nod before kissing his lips softly. He deepens the kiss before I pull him to hover over me. Entering me slowly, he makes love to me all over again, the entire time telling me he loves me.

We get up and start our day. He heads to the scrapyard and I head into work. Sitting at my desk, Heather walks up and asks "How are things going?" I look at her and smile and say "He told me he loves me." She smiles and says "Please tell me you said it back?" I laugh and say "Of course I did. He's perfect Heather. He treats me like a fucking queen." I tell her. "Angel does too." she tells me. "How are things with you and big brother?" I ask. "Great. asked me to be his Old Lady." she tells me. I hug her and tell her how happy I am for her.

The day ends and I get home to see EZ sitting on my doorstep. "Hey baby." I say. "Hola Bello." he says as he pulls me into a hug. I look at him and he says "Let's head to the clubhouse." he tells me. I get onto the back of his bike and we head to the clubhouse, where his camper is sitting and he says "Let's head inside a minute." I nod and we head into the camper. Walking inside, we see a woman sitting there. "Emily?" he asks. "Hey EZ." she says and looks at me. "I' you two talk." and I head for the door and he grabs my hand. "No. Bello, stay. She can leave." he tells me. "But I wanted to talk to you."she tells him. "There's nothing we need to talk about, Emily." he tells her. "I want to talk about us." she says. "That's my que." I say before seeing myself out. Angel sees me walk out of the camper and head towards the gate and ask "Hey. What's wrong?" he asks. I look at him and ask "Can you take me home. Please?" I ask and there are tears in my eyes. "Yeah. Come on." he says before leading me to his bike and taking me home. When we get to my house, he asks "What happened?" I wipe the tears and say "Telling me he loves me and then some Emily chick was in his camper waiting for him wanting to talk about him and her. I should have known better." I say. "Shit. Look, she's his ex from high school. She's married to Galindo. You don't have to worry about her." he tells me. "Well, he doesn't have to worry about me either. Thanks for the ride." I say before walking into the house and locking the door. I walk to my bedroom and lay on the bed and sob trying to figure out why I will never be enough.

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