Part 2: The Saviour

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Fast forward a bit, the avengers are fighting Thanos for the last time but they were having trouble because they were so dirty and Makka Pakka wasn't there to clean them. Thanos was getting the upper hand but then Oopsie Daisy the massive slut came up to him and said "Hey sexy, don't mind if I'm dirty, just makes it better in bed." And it worked! Thanos fell for the slut's advances and revealed his true form:
Yes, Thanos was Iggle Piggle the entire time! Oppose Daisy was so startled she tried to step back, but Iggle Piggle has already trapped her in his arms. Then the combined attack of a hammer, shield, energy blast and taser hit him, sending him back and weakening him considerably.
"Ha! You may think that's the last of me, but no! I still have my trust Thanoscopter! It was hiding among you all this time disguised as my boat-bed thing that rocks so much I can't ducking sleep it in! Yet the producers still make me sleep in it every session because why should they care about my feeling?! Yeah, that's what I thought! Sorry that was just a rant, now come my Queen, we shall escape and plan our next adventure!" Iggle Piggle said, taking Oppsie Daisy and flying away in his Thanoscopter.
Then out of the stars, the familiar voice "THAT HELICOPTER IS SO DIRTY! LET ME CLEAN IT FOR YOU!" And as the avengers looked up in glee, Makka Pakka launches onto the helicopter, and revealed that his plan was to hijack the helicopter and kill Thanos with it! He said "Prepare to die by me cleaning the Thanoscopter's circuits, you foul-Wait, Iggle Piggle? I'm so glad to see you!" He reaches out to wrap the blue thing in as good a hug his stubby arms and round body could give, but Iggle Piggle pushes him away with misery and said "No, you wouldn't want to hug your killer, would you?" Makka Pakka looked confused. "W-what do you mean killer? You aren't Thanos, aren't you?...a-aren't you?" Iggle Piggle said nothing, a grim look on his face. Makka Pakka stepped back, nearly falling of the Thanoscopter. "B-but how could you? I-I wanted to be with you forever on that show! I loved you, Iggle! But I see that I shouldn't have tried so hard to get you to live me back." He looked on the point of crying. Iggle Piggle lifter his chin up and said "I love you too, now let's be together forever in the next world."
They kissed as the Thanoscopter hurtled to the ground. And then they were gone.
The funeral was bright and lively, just as the two lovers would have wanted it. They were laid to rest of a boat-bed, not on see, but on a surface perfect for sleeping. Oopsie Daisy was also dead but no one cared because she's a useless slut. In the end, all the dead avengers came back and Makka Pakka and Iggle Piggle lived happily in the next world. But the question remains: what is the next world?!?!?!

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