Part 1: Broken

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A single punch was all it took. One single punch to completely erase Makka Pakka's most desired object. His bike. Without it there was no him, nothing to help his crippling ocd, nothing to make him who he was. Makka Pakka stood there for a moment, then dropped to his knees, a broken man. Thanos has a look of not satisfaction, not pity, but misery when he struck the thing down, leaving only his poop hair left. Thor flew at Thanos with all the rage of Hell, but it wasn't enough, for the mad Titan was gone. Makka Pakka was dead. Oopsie Daisy was crying, the members of the tiny blue house were all paying respects. Iggle Piggle, however, was not there. He presumably had turned to dust like all of the tiny red house and one and a half of those three things that live in that tree thing.
The tittifers had sung their last song to Makka Pakka. It was a loss of a great man. But what if it was not the end? What if that little poop hair thing could regenerate his body? The avengers didn't know, they had left it behind. But what if a spark of hope arose and stopped the tyrant of Thanos?

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