19. Casa Amore

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Day 37
Asher and Taylor (official couple)
Faye and Noah
Jodie and Kyle (official couple)
Liliana and Dougie
Sophie and Shayne
Violetta and James (official couple)
Zoe and Alex

I wake up and turn to give James a cuddle, but he's not there. With a confused look, I push myself up in my bed and notice that none of the boys are in the bedroom. "Girls." I say, trying to get their attention, but I just get some groans in return. "Girls, the boys are gone." I try again, and this time they seem to be a lot more awake.

"What?" Asher sleepily questions, then lifts her sleep-mask to reveal a shocked expression. "Where the fuck have they disappeared to?"

"Oh my god, I bet they're in casa amore." Liliana suggests, "you know, when they separate the guys and girls for a week."

"I bet you're right." Jodie agrees. "This is so annoying, I just want to be with Kyle." She whines, and I can't help but feel like I'm in the same boat. After everything that's happened, I feel like James and I deserve some time together.

I've only just told James the truth about my family and about my mum's condition. But it was really late last night and we said we'd go to sleep and talk more in the morning. And although it didn't seem to bother him, part of me thinks he was just pretending to be calm and what I told him has scared him off, and now he's going to be in a villa with seven new girls that are bound to be beautiful. I'm just scared that at the end of this week, James will tell me that he could be happier with someone else.

"Shit." Sophie exhales, "I've got a text." She opens it and starts to read the message on her phone screen. "Girls, the boys have moved to casa amore, please pack their bags for them and get ready for your new arrivals. #PlentyOfFishInTheSea #HeCouldBeTheOne ."

"Well it's not exactly filling me with confidence." I comment, feeling rather deflated at the moment, referencing the plenty of fish in the sea hashtag.

"Vee, What are you even stressing about?" Asher asks, "if anyone's going to stay together after this week, it's going to be you and James."

Her comment makes me smile, the fact that she has more faith in my relationship than I do. And the fact that she has more confidence in my relationship than her own. "What about you and Taylor?" I question with a chuckle, "you're bound to stay together. Taylor's too scared of what you might do to him if he cheats on you."

This triggers all the girls to laugh, "best believe it." Asher giggles, "he knows better than to cross me."


After the girls packed up their partner's stuff and got changed out of their pyjamas and into their swimming costumes, we all make our way outside to see a group of boys sat by the edge of the pool with their feet dangling into the water. "Hey boys!" Faye shouts, causing them all to turn around and face us.

They all get up and make their way towards us, introducing themselves one by one. There's Charlie, Aidan, Michael, Jason, Ricky, Diego, and Daniel. After we've all said our hellos, we split off from each other to chat.

Asher and I decide to speak with Ricky, Charlie and Aidan. And they all seem like really nice boys. "So the two of you seem really happy in your couples." Charlie starts, gesturing to Asher and I.

"I honestly feel so lucky." Asher responds quickly, "if Taylor wasn't here then I don't know what I'd do."

"Oh my gosh, same here." I add, "I would have left this place a long time ago if James wasn't here."

"That's sick." Aidan smiles, "cause you never know on the outside of people are acting up for the cameras. But you two seem so genuine. Now I've just gotta hope I can find something real in here just like you guys have."

"So who have you got your eye on then?" Asher asks with a smirk, but Aidan doesn't answer. "Give me a top three. It can't be that hard, you're literally surrounded by a bunch of beautiful girls, surely someone's caught your eye."

"Okay fine." Aidan smiles awkwardly, "Faye and Liliana seem really nice." He then looks at his feet as he says the next part, "and I also kinda like you, Violetta, but don't worry, I won't get in the way of you and James. The whole nation would murder me if I did."

"You can say that again." Ricky comments with a small laugh. And I don't want them to seem like I'm focusing on it, so I just move on. But I can't help but think that maybe the public really like our love story. Even though we've been being us this entire time.

"What about you, Ricky?" I ask, wanting to know who he's got his eye on.

"I'm not really sure right now." He admits, "I haven't had a chance to get to know everyone yet. I'm personality over appearance."

"Fair enough." I smile in response, "we need more guys like you in the world."

Asher starts chatting with Charlie and Aidan, leaving me to chat to Ricky by myself. "So is Ricky short for Richard?" I ask, trying to get to know him better.

"Ricardo." He replies, and I realise that it's an Italian name, making me feel instantly comforted. "Quindi volevo chiederti una cosa, ma non ero securo di quante persone lo sapessero." (So I wanted to ask you something, but I wasn't sure how many people knew about it.) he asks in Italian, making sure no one else can understand what we're saying.

"Si, cos'è?" (Yes, What is it?) I ask in return, wondering what he could possibly be on about.

"James è stato nelle notizie molto a casa, e ho pensato che fosse ingiusto se non sapessi cosa stava succedendo." (James has been in the news a lot back home, and I thought it was unfair if you didn't know what was going on). This makes my heart drop to my stomach, for all I know James has been in a scandal this whole time. Maybe he's got a girlfriend, or a criminal record. It makes me realise how little I actually know about him. "Sai qual è il suo lavoro?" (So do you know what his job is?)

"Mi ha detto che era disoccupato, che non ha un lavoro in momentos." (He told me that he was unemployed, that's why he hasn't got a job at the moment) I explain, slightly nervous as to what's going on. "Perché? Non è la verità?" (Why? Is that not true?)

"No è vero." (No, it's true). He admits, which makes me feel ever so slightly more at ease. "Ma è perché è un milionario. He ereditato la compagnia di suo padre quando è morto." (But it's because he's a millionaire. He inherited his father's company when he died.) he explains, cool as a cucumber. "I thought you deserved to know that he's got more money than you realise."

"Thank you for telling me." I smile softly, but it doesn't change anything. "But it doesn't change how I feel about him at all. He's the same guy to me whether he had all the money in the world or if he didn't have a penny to his name."

"See," He starts, a wide smile on his face. "That's how I know that you two are perfect for each other." He pauses a little before continuing. "You're soulmates."


Author's note:

So obviously there's a lot of Italian in this chapter, I hope the way I've laid it out makes it easier to understand.

Also, please don't murder me if the translations aren't 100% accurate. I don't speak Italian, so I got the translations off of google translate.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has commented or voted on the chapters, it really means a lot.

A few people messaged me letting me know what they wanted to include in the story (one of which was the casa amore storyline), So please feel free to send me more messages letting me know what you want to see.

Happy reading!

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