3. The Love Island villa

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Well, here it is. The day has come where I enter the Love Island villa. I've seen it on TV before but I never imagined I'd see it in real life. As I walk into the garden of the villa I see four girls already here, all sat together drinking champagne. "Oh my god!" The girl in a yellow bikini shouts. "New girl!"

Clearly I'm the last girl to arrive, but I think I'd prefer that than being first and on my own. "Hi, I'm Violetta." I say, giving the girls a hug.

"I'm Asher." The girl in the yellow bikini says. The rest of the girls introduce themselves aswell. The girl in pink is called Jodie, the girl in blue is called Hannah, and the one in white is called Zoe. "So Violetta, are you Spanish or something?"

"Italian." I tell her and the girls seem to find this fascinating. "But I was born in England."

"Oh." Hannah says, as if she's disappointed. "But do you speak Italian though?"

I giggle a little to myself and decide that it's going to be fun to reply to her question in Italian. "Si, parlo italiano meglio di me parla inglese." They all look at me in awe, and I think it's for the best that I translate for them. "That means; yes, I speak Italian better than I speak English."

Right as us girls are in the middle of getting to know each other better, Caroline Flack walks in, which can only mean one thing - it's time to meet the boys. "Hello ladies." She says as she enters, "could you please all make your way over to the grass clearing." We all do as we're told, still giggling with each other as we walk over. "As you all know, you're here to find love and be in with the chance to win £50,000. And the only way to do that is to be in a couple, so should we meet the boys?"

The girls all cheer loudly, then the first boy enters confidently. "Alright ladies, I'm Kyle." He flashes a smile, clearly making the other girls more interested in him. But I'm just not feeling it, his tattoos are putting me off a little. I don't mind a tattoo, but a whole sleeve is a bit too excessive for me.

"So ladies, if you fancy Kyle please step forward." When Caroline says this, Jodie Hannah and Zoe all step forward. "Kyle, even though only three girls stepped forward for you, you can choose between all five of the girls."

"I think I'm going to go for the one on the end, in black." He points at me and I'm a little shocked. I thought he'd pick one of the girls who stepped forward for him, especially because all four of the other girls are absolutely stunning.

"Kyle, you've chosen Violetta. Violetta, you didn't step forward for Kyle, why was that?" Damn Caroline, hitting me with the hard questions. I really hope I don't offend him.

"I hope you don't take this personally." I start, and Kyle smiles at my response. "But I'm not a massive tattoo fan. I like one or two meaningful ones but I'm not very keen on the whole arm."

"Fair enough." Kyle says, then walks over to me and politely kisses me on each check.

"Okay girls, let's meet boy number two." The second lad walks out and I can't help but smile. This guy is gorgeous, and there's not a tattoo in sight. God, I hope this guy chooses me. "Girls, this is James." James gives us a playful salute with a cheeky smile. "If you fancy James, please step forward." This time, it's just me and Zoe stepping forward. Clearly James isn't as popular as Kyle, but that just means there's less competition for the man I've got my eye on. "Okay, So Zoe and Violetta both stepped forward for you. Violetta is already coupled up with Kyle, but you can choose any of the five girls, including the three girls that didn't step forward."

James looks at Zoe, then looks at me with a smile. "I think I'm going to go for Violetta." I can't help but smile as he says this, and the other girls smile too. Probably because that means Kyle is back up for grabs. James also kisses me on both cheeks, "hiya, how are you?"

"Good thanks, you?" I reply with a smile, and he smiles back.

"Just so you know." Caroline starts, getting our attention. "Violetta didn't step forward for Kyle, but she did for you. How does that make you feel James?"

James looks at me before replying, "I feel honoured." He then turns his attention back to Caroline. "When a girl as beautiful as Violetta steps forward for you, you can't help but feel excited."

I smile at his words. How bloody cute is he? I think I've got a keeper here. After twenty minutes of coupling up, everyone is finally in the villa, including Alex, the boy who doesn't have a partner at the moment. As of right now, Asher and Taylor are a couple, Hannah is with Mason, Kyle and Jodie are together, and Zoe ended up with Dougie. And as Caroline leaves, we all start chatting again. "Well boys, welcome to the villa." Asher says, then we all break off into our couples, hoping to get to know each other a little better.

"So, Violetta, are you glad I picked you?" James asks, and I knew that he was going to say that.

"Yeah, of course." I tell him, "obviously I fancied you, otherwise I wouldn't have stepped forward." He smiles then takes a sip of champagne. "So what made you pick me?"

He puts down his champagne, then answers, "I don't really know. When I looked at you there was a little voice inside my head telling me that you were the right choice." I giggle, this guy is saying all the right things, but I'm getting carried away. I don't even know anything about him. "So, tell me about yourself. What do you do?"

"I'm a gymnastics coach." I reply, then realise that now is the perfect time to see how he feels about children. After all, if he doesn't like kids then I know it's not going to work out considering I'm a mum. "So basically I work with little kids all day."

"Teaching them roly-poly's." He laughs, and I take a deep breath, jokingly trying to contain myself. My pet peeve is people calling forward rolls roly-poly's. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You probably teach them all the cool tricks. I think that's so impressive, all that stuff. And the children must be adorable."

Thank god, he doesn't seem completely repulsed by children, that's a win in my book. "They're amazing. Working with young children is so entertaining."

"I bet, I've got a niece who's just turned four and she's hilarious." Oh my god, he sounds more and more ideal the more I talk to him. I can't believe this whole dating show thing is actually somewhat working out. Maybe my dad knew what he was talking about after all.

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