break her chains/ guns and knives/ texts/12 am snacks

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Break her chains
Guns and knives
12 am snacks.

Caesar x abused reader.

Chapter- break her chains

***trigger warning! This may contain upsetting and unsettling continent read at ur own risk and tes this is more in Caesar point of view and in 3rd person

Caesar always was a chill dude he never worried about anything or tried to get angry at someone when they did something other people would be mad about. Many people believed that he was always high which sometime times they was correct he did get high here and there but not 24/7. But caesar had a secret he found out himself not long ago, there was a girl he really liked and her name was (y/n) and Caesar  thought she was so cute when she shuttered he couldn't help but to think how cute it was and how she was…...

. But he didn't know that she was being hit and beaten at home by her abusive father.
He thought her hair was a lovely shade of (h/c) that made her eyes sparkle the perfect  (e/c).
He loved how she had the perfect (s/c) that looked creamy and smooth. Caesar always wanted to ask her out on a date but he never got brave enough to do it. He would get lovely girls who he considered friends to ask her for him but they never did out of jealousy(Y/n) was always thought to have the perfect life due to her beauty. But the poor girl never saw herself beautiful  not one bit. When she was fove her father died. Her once loving mother became cruel due to the heart break. When she was eight her mother became an alcoholic and spent every dime on some wine. By age eleven her mother met (y/n) step father who had such sweet words what could go wrong?
By age 12 her life wasn't swell she got bruises
Beatings and wounds to her the heart she always thought it would stop beating.
At school she was harassed by girls who hated her for her beauty and beat her up and shoved her down.
By age 16 her step father became worst belt whoops turned into knife cuts and shattered glass into her arms, legs, and sometimes her chest.but she held beauty of a well made china doll, a doll who would cry at night a doll who would hide behind a fake smile something a doll shouldn't go through and you see i didn't know and neathier did you for i simply walked passed with my eyes closed but it didn't last long. I heard crying from the alley way and when i walked down i saw my little china girl crying her eyes away. She was cut up and beaten blood racing away from her lovely little face. Little (y/n) had fallen pale as i rushed her to the hospital during this time her mother abandoned  her and ran with her abusive step father. I was the one who stayed with the girl and i was the one who held her hand every time she fell asleep. I don't know what happened by (y/n) lost all her memories and i didn't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing. Cause once she woke up she assumed i was dating her,something id always wanted. I did my best to make sure she was treated right and i always made sure she was happy. For (y/n) was my china doll who had a few chips in her but i loved them all the same she is a wonderful person and i'm glad i made it to her just in time. All i know is if i see her step-father he better be behind bars because i'm royally pissed the fuked off and of that bastard comes back and even looks in (y/n)’s direction ill put him in a damn coma. I felt the bed shift and i turn to look at my china doll. I felt a smile grazed my lips as i looked at the sleeping (y/n) nuzzled into my chest.  Her scars have longed healed and her eyes has finally brighten and for once i'm completely satisfied i ran my hands through her lovely hair
“i love you (y/n)” i whispered kissing her forehead.
I watched her as she moved and nuzzled into me more “” she softly spoke as if she was trying to stay awake

*one year later*

Its wasnt long before (y/n) started to remember  her past and because of that she clings to caesar a little more tighter and kisses him a bit more.
Caesar  never once hurt her feelings he tried to avoid fights scared to accidently trigger her but in their relationship ship everything went smoothly they couldnt get mad or stay mad at each other for too long. Many people would say their realationship was fake or goals but all that mattered was that they loved each other and that they wouldnt ever leave each other

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