pills /books and balls

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( huey x male reader)

Chapter- pills

*Trigger warning may contain very sad things as drinking and bullying read at your own risk.*

No matter what happens huey would never tell anyone not even his little brother that he, huey freeman was into a dude. But not any dude, he was into (y/n). Now when he met (y/n) he absolutely hated him the reason why? Well it was the fact that (y/n) always somehow made better grades then huey and how the teachers acknowledged him more for his intelligence. He was jealous of the boy and one day he became angry at the boy where he followed (y/n) to the boys locker room to give him a piece of his mind until he saw some dude name jackson walking in with the (s/c) boy. Huey decide to watch and eavesdrop on the two boys instead of walking in plain sight for he was curious what they was up too.
“I can't do it anymore” jackson said running a hand through his hair avoiding contact with (y/n)
“Why not? Did i do something wrong?” (y/n)  asked his voice was slightly pained as if he knew what was happening and sadly the young (h/c) boy did.
“Look it isn't you it's just me, i don't even know if i'm even into guys like you are and ya know i just don't wanna go in to deep and realize i never even like you like a boyfriend.” jackson said
Huey’s eyes widen as he heard this he never thought (y/n) (l/n) would be gay, he always thought (y/n) was a fukboi for all the attention he got for girls to only find out that the boy was gay.
“I see….well if that's how you feel then it is what it is” (y/n) sighed all emotion leaving his very voice and somehow that affected huey a lot more then it should have. Huey never heard (y/n)’s voice sound so emotionless and plain depressing. Huey watched as jackson left and all he could do was watch the (h/c) boy stand there with no expression.
    Less than a few weeks past when huey found out he couldn't get the (s/c) boy out of his mind as if he was his drug, a toxic concoction that only affected huey.  Since the innocent in the locker room (y/n) hasn't been talking to people as much, he stopped racing huey to answer the teacher's problem and even his grades started dropping. And it frustrated huey to no end, he didn't understand how the other smartest kid in the classroom was just letting his grades slip pass him and it pissed huey off. But another thing that pissed huey off was the fact how (y/n) stopped showing up to school and he had no idea where the boy even lived, and he hated that. But mostly what he was afraid of was that (y/n) was giving up on life as each day passed on. It seams as a blessing and a curse every time (y/n) came back to class. A blessing because huey could finally see the boy and know that he was alive and still here….but yet it was curse because (y/n) slowly started becoming thinner and thinner his eyes now had bags under them his well kept hair would be matted and unclean. His well collected style has dramatically changed to baggy sweats and jackets to try to hide the fact the boy was now skin and bones. But what really got to huey was the bright purple bruises peppered along the boys face. Friends who talked so well of the boy now spread nasty rumors. “Apparently he's a faggot” riley told their granddad last night everything was rushing in hueys head as he rushed out of class breathing heavy as he ran to the gym that was empty or so he thought there at the very top of the bleachers with a bright silver flask slowly drinking his life away was (y/n). His hoodie up so no one could see his lovely face, huey climbed up and then sat by the boy who didn't stay a word. They both was quiet for the longest of time before (y/n) passed his flask. Huey took it and whiskey passed his lips he kept glancing at (Y/n) but mostly he kept glancing at his lips how they still stayed plump despite everything. “Was it you?” (Y/n)’s once sweet charming voice now raspy and lifeless broke the silence. “What do you mean?” huey asked glancing over to (y/n) who was just staring in front of him. “Did you tell others..about jackson and me….in the locker rooms” he said. Hueys stomach dropped so (y/n) did see him that day. “It wasn't my business to tell” he said to (Y/n) passing the flask back. The boy took it their fingers just grazing a touch that sent fire up hueys arms and making his heart pound at the very feeling but it seemed (y/n) didn't even feel it.
“I guess it wasn't you.” he simply said as something dropped from his jacket pocket. Huey reached down to pick up a empty bottle of pills and he froze  glancing over to (y/n) his heart dropped as soon as he realized his tear stain face and how pale the boy was huey quickly pulls the boy close picking him up rushing to the nurse's office in a panic. “Why?! WHY?!” he shouted at (y/n)  who only held a tiny smile as fresh tears left his (e/c) eyes. “Because…..i'm….worthless…” left the young boys lips as his eyes fell closed.
    That memory haunted huey for the past three months. (y/n) had survived but fell into a coma and every tuesday huey left his house or school or whatever that was going on to go visit (Y/n) in hopes of the young boy waking up. During the last three months huey felt empty school became boring life itself seemed bland. Huey tried to spice it up for him by making jasmine his girlfriend but it wasn't the same and huey felt a little bad for her because he felt absolutely nothing for the girl. He fell in love with (y/n) and he regretted not rushing to to help the boy sooner, he regretted not getting (Y/n) to stay awake or noticing how pale the boy was before it was too late. Huey blamed himself for not sticking up for (Y/n) when people began to talk so much shet about him.
Now here huey sat, beside (y/n)’s bedside holding the boy's hand and telling (Y/n) what happened that day and what he saw. How he made sad jokes about other people or how ruckus was being retarded or how riley managed to get a date with some girl. But importantly huey told (y/n)’s sleeping form how much he missed him and that he fell in love with him. Soon it was time to leave huey stood up rubbing his thumb against (y/n)’s hand bent over and placed a light kiss on the boys plumped lips and turned to leave looking back
“I love you (y/n)...please wake up soon”
But if huey looked back one more time he would have seen the small tears leaving the boys eyes and a small smile placed on the sleeping child.

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