Please stop! yamcha rape lemon

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Hello people! I would like to thank ammara4897 for sending a request about a lemon oneshot!Thanks, ammara!!! You're the best!!!!!


You sighed as you flopped down on your bed. You've been doing a lot of work today. Like, doing work for chichi, helping bulma wash the dishes after those hungry saiyans, and sparring with goku. You are great at Martial arts but you're not saiyan. You're not even half a saiyan like gohan or goten or trunks. So, goku always have to go easy on you when sparring. You were so tired, you begin to strip down. You took off your black T-shirt and zipped down your blue jean shorts. You untied your black and blue jordans and sat them down beside your bed. You were just about to unstrap your bra when suddenly, you felt a hand squeezed your breasts. You squealed in surprised and spinned around coming face-to-chest with Yamcha. "Y-yamcha!?" You exclaimed backing up. Yamcha smirked. "Hey emi," He said seductively taking a step closer to you. "Watcha doing?" You took a step back. "Yamcha what are yo-" you were cut off by lips crashing into yours. You gasped giving yamcha an opportunity to dash his tongue into your mouth. You tried to push him away but he held you close to him. Ypu cried out as yamcha unclipped your bra. He pulled back from the kiss and smirked, examining your breasts. "Great. Not to big and not to small. Just perfect." He pushed you down on your bed and climbed on top of you. "Yamcha! Stop, Yamcha!" You cried as he grabbed your right breast. You banged on his chest but he wouldn't budge. He dipped his head down and wrapped his tongue around your nipple, sucking and nibbling on your now harden nipples. You tried calling for help but no one didnt come to see what's happening. Realising you were the only person home you were doomed. You gasped as his left had slid down your abandon and went through your panties. Yamcha smirked and ripped(literally) your black laced panties. You begin thrashing as you felt him plunged two fingers in your wet entrance. "Stop! Let me go!" You yelled feeling his fingers going in and out. "You're so wet..." he trailed off removing hus fingers and licking your juices from his fingers. Tears filled your eyes as yamcha quickly removed his clothes. You looked down and widen your eyes at his size. 'Oh kami, please help me!' Thoughts were running in your head as he opened your legs wider. "Please stop! Dont do this!" But it was too late. He took to you. You screamed in pain, tears were running down your face like a huge water fall. Blood were seeping out of your entrance and you felt like you were paralyzed. "Damn it, you're so tight!" Yamcha moaned as he pumped into you quickly. You cried like a baby, hanging onto the cover sheets, pain was spreading everywhere in your body. This wasnt pleasure...this was pain

Absolute, completely pain. You were wishing this could end sooner. Yamcha growled as his pace quickened, the bed was shaking by his hard and fast thrusts. You cried out as you cum tears wouldn't stop falling. Yamcha's grunts became loud moans as he felt himseld close. After a couple mors thrusts, yamcha bit into your shoulder as he came. Thick liquid shoot inside of you so much, some of it leaked out of you and onto the bed. Sweat covered both of you and you couldn't feel anything between your leg. Pain. It felt like you've been stabbed by hundreds of ki blasts. No, it felt worse. It felt like three saiyans used the kamehameha on you and all you felt completely pain. Yamcha kissed you and dressed back into his clothes. He waved as he exited your room. You sat there. You were too tired to get up and take a shower. This was the worse, horrible, painfully, no good, bad day.


Im finally done!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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