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"No Lauren, I won't suck your dick," Camila yells through the cafe where they had agreed to meet to discuss specifics, earning quite a few concerned glances from other customers. Camila glared back at them, being completely over the day already even though it wasn't even eleven o' clock yet.

"Okay, so then we can leave that out of the contract," Lauren replies drily, sharing Camila's sentiments regarding the day. They have been sitting in this cafe for two hours now, trying to make up a contract; an idea that obviously came from the younger girl. Lauren really doesn't understand why Camila insists on writing an actual fucking contract. It's isn't as if, because they have to fake a relationship, Lauren is suddenly going to ravish Camila in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard.

"Why do you insist on making this even more tiresome than it already is?" Camila sighs, resting her face in both of her hands.

Lauren just laughs at the brown eyed girl's desperation. Since Camila refuses to drop the stupid contract, Lauren was only going to offer useless terms, hoping to tire her co-star out. It obviously was working at least a little bit. "Because it's so funny to annoy your uptight ass."

"Thanks, I do have a tight ass."

"Clearly not what I said, but yeah, you do," Lauren winked.

Camila rolled her eyes. That completely backfired on her. Before she could think of a snarky retort, the other girl's mouth was moving again. "I simply think a contract is extremely useless, kind of like your dad's condom."

Camila blinks, kind of like that meme of the blonde guy blinking, looking seriously offended. "Well, it's a good thing we've got you then!" Camila offers nicely, which obviously only puzzles Lauren. "You're about as useful as Trump's toupee in the wind."

Oh okay, there it is.  Lauren shakes her head as she laughs, because she has to admit it was kind of funny. "Touché Cabello, touché," she says, "Coffee? I feel like we could use some. See it as my way to repay you for the beer I never received because you were kissing Helen's ass."

Camila scoffs. "First of all, it's Hailee. Second of all, if I'd given you that beer, your IQ might have reached subzero, which is an accomplishment, even for you."

Lauren just shakes her head, smiling, as she walks to the counter to order some more coffee for the both of them. God knows they need it.

This gives Camila the opportunity to check the phone she had been neglecting for the last couple of hours. She smiles as she looks at Hailee's texts, asking her how her morning was going and if Lauren was still breathing. Dinah's texts just made her sigh, not even in annoyance anymore, but in despair.

Dino [10:36]: how's your date with Lauser?

Dino [10:48]: are you ignoring me because you're already bumping uglies in the bathroom? Kinky Mila!

Dino [11:00]: oh my god, that's it, right?

She doesn't know anyone as persistent as this girl. Normally she would admire persistence in a human, because Camila believes it shows character. However, she's about to chuck her phone out of the window to stop the incoming flood of texts.

Chancho [11:05]: new phone, who dis?

Dino [11:05]: I'll admit that kinda scared me for a second there

Dino [11:06]: how was your off-camera finger session?

Camila just shakes her head and blocks Dinah's number, which isn't a very irregular occurrence these days. She doesn't know why she keeps unblocking her, but reasons it's because she forgets her keys too often to not need her roommate's number. Just as Camila's putting her phone back in her backpack, because she's not a purse-lesbian, Lauren walks back with their cups of coffee and places them on the table. "There you go. Why does Dinah keep asking me to tell you that you should unblock her?" she asks as she sits down at the opposite side of the table.

Camila stirs her coffee, secretly kind of impressed that Lauren knows her coffee order by heart. "She kept asking me if we've already fucked in the bathroom," she answers way too casually, making Lauren spit out a bit of coffee. She immediately nods, though. "That makes sense," she laughs. "So, I've been thinking,"

"How many times have I told you to stop doing that. You'll hurt yourself," Camila immediately interrupts, smirking that annoying smirk of hers.

"So, I've been thinking," Lauren repeats as if the other girl never even spoke, "why don't we just ditch the contract? I might like you as much as I like hemorrhoids, but I would never disrespect you so much that I'd take advantage of this arrangement," she says seriously.

Camila nods. "You're right," she says, because she has to admit the girl actually makes a good point. She doesn't trust Lauren for shit, but she also knows that she isn't an absolutely horrible human being, even though she tries so hard to make Camila believe so. "This just really su-, Dinah? Normani?" she interrupts herself mid-sentence, because their two friends have just entered the coffeeshop. Lauren looks around and yep, there they are. "What the.."

"Hi Lauren," Dinah says, making an obvious show of ignoring Camila. "Normani and I have got an amazing plan."

Lauren and Camila immediately share a worried glance, because Dinah's plans were often the absolute worst. Last time Dinah had a plan they all ended up half-naked on the set of the wrong TV-series, we won't get into it. Normani sees the look the girls just shared and quickly jumps in before Dinah gets the chance to say something weird. "Don't worry, it's actually not the worst idea ever," she starts, to which Camila and Lauren immediately share a look again.

"Not the worst idea ever doesn't sound horribly convincing, Mani, no offense," Camila says, to which Lauren nods in agreement.

Normani laughs and before she gets a chance to explain their plan, Dinah jumps in again, still only giving Lauren her full attention. "I don't mean to toot my own horn, but toot toot bitch, this plan is fucking genius. Ally immediately agreed to it when we called her, so there's no way out of this to be honest."

"Jesus, what's the plan?" Camila asks, kind of anxious as to what Dinah has come up with this time. Dinah rolls her eyes at Camila's impatience. "That's Dinah for you, Canola," she says, still angry about the fact that she was so rudely blocked by her best friend, who she thought she could trust with her life. Lauren snorts at the nickname, grabbing her phone and typing something. "Canola. Definitely adding that one to my list of nicknames to annoy Cabello with."

Camila nearly dives over the table to look at Lauren's screen. "You actually have a list? Camilla, chamomile tea, are you serious?" she asks incredulously. Of course Lauren would have a freaking list. Lauren just smiles proudly in return.

Dinah claps her hands quite loudly to get the attention of her friends, but basically receiving the entire coffeeshop's attention. "So, the plan!" she reminds them why they're here. "We were thinking we could go on a little trip, just the four of us."

Before Lauren or Camila could protest, Normani jumps in. "Dinah and I were thinking that this situation kind of sucks for the two of you," she says, to which the two girls immediately nod in agreement. "That's why we thought it might actually be good for you to go on a relaxing trip for a week. Dinah and I'll come with you, so that we're there to mediate when shit hits the fan," she explains. "That way you have a week to bond a little bit too, you know? Find some things you might have in common," she offers carefully.

"And once again, there's really no way out, the tiny boss agreed," Dinah adds, absolutely not helping.

Camila and Lauren both know there's no way out of it, like nothing these days, so they both just grumble a "fine" to which Dinah and Normani let out a loud whoop, completely ignoring their friends' resistance.

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