Chapter 4

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  I wake up again, still unaware what time or day it is. A tray of food next to my hospital bed, yet I dont remember the nurse coming in. Looking at the plate I see jello and water with a pedialyte packet. Ew. My eyes wander the room, I'm the only one in this suite. Theres a TV on the wall, table by my bedside, and a counter presumably for the doctors and nurses. The door has a small window in it, I can just see the tops of people in white coats and surgical masks, every now and then what I can assume is other patients visitors. I don't have visitors for now, my parents live far though they are probably already rushing over. It's not everyday you get an emergency kidney transplant. Then from the corner of my eye I see a face. Its cautiously peering through the door window. I turn my head to look, it's a tall black haired man. Pale skin and piercings. He quickly turns away and disappears. I dont know him from what I remember.

(Uta P.O.V)
I dont know who she is but shes got a strange aura. She couldn't be a....
Anyways back to what I'm here for.
I sneakily push through an emergency exit door that takes me to a stairwell. I go all the way down to the final floor and pop out the other end. A fellow ghoul works here at the morgue, he sells human meat from forgotten or unclaimed bodies. So far hes gone undetected. Hes a friend of Mr. Nishio. I knock on the morgue door.

"Yes! Who is it?"


"Ah yes of course, come in"

He pulls open the door cautiously looking up and down the hall. Despite my sneaking around I'm not wearing a doctors coat and look like a civilian.
The morgue room is cold, bright lights shine down on metal tables, feet poking out from white sheets, tags tied on toes. Coroners reports in folders stacked on a desk. Some ghouls here are ruthless, hence the stack of coroners reports.

"What'll it be Uta?"

He turns to me pulling the edge of a rubber glove and letting it go.

" 5 eye balls and a medium size block of meat "

As the mortician fetches my meal I wonder about that girl...

"Do you know about organ donors here, if any are ghoul perhaps?"
I ask inquisitively

" Well yes, its uncommon but it does happen, not that the humans recognize a difference, not yet at least"

Handing me a cold cloth bag, the meat and eyes in paper to go boxes.

"That'll be 4,000 yen"

I reach into my pocket and hand him the money.

"I'll see you next week"

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