10. The car project

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3 weeks later,

I wake up really tired. Me and Cameron talked all night about our math teacher and how boring he is. I still can't believe how nice Cameron is. Definitely not my type as a boyfriend but he's a great friend. I haven't talk a lot to Laurel since our discussion. She has been avoiding me. I'm just confused because one minute she was telling me everything and now she can't even look at me. I really thought we were gonna progress in our relationship but I guess not. It wouldn't be the first time I misunderstood signals. I guess thing got better with Jessica, since she hasn't been crying.

Today I decide to wear my yellow hoodie with my favorite pair of ripped jeans. I put my hair in a high ponytail and look at myself in the mirror. I almost never wear color so this hoodie really change me. I look more... bright. I don't know.

After getting prepared. I go downstairs to get in the car. We leave the house and quickly arrive to school. Like every morning, I find Hannah waiting for me at our lockers. We catch up a bit and then head to our separate class. Her English and me Science.

I enter the room and see Shawn already seated. Me and him are now really good friends. We talk a lot and text almost everyday. But Hannah doesn't know about it.

I try to act like if he wasn't making me nervous. I put my things on my desk and sit.

« Hey Mads! »

Mads. I liked that he had a nickname for me. He has been calling me like that for the past weeks.

« Hey! » I answer back and look at him.

« Why weren't you at Crystal's party this weekend? » He asks.

Only 3 weeks here and he was already invited to parties? Crystal is like THE most popular girl in our school. She has everyone at her feet. She's pretty and funny. Even if you want to hate her, you can't. She's just to nice. I heard that she throws party almost every weekend but I've never been invited to one. But of course Shawn yes. I guess it's normal. Just look at him.

« Umm.. maybe because I wasn't invited? » I say and laugh.

« You weren't invited? But literally half of the school was there! And from what I heard she often throws party! »

« Yeah. Well I've never been to one. And I guess I'm not cool enough to be invited. »

« Oh. I see. » Shawn seems to understand that I'm not the most appreciated girl here. Nobody hates me but not a lot of people know me.

Before he can add anything else, the teacher starts speaking.

« Good morning class, today we start a new project! You will have to create a tiny car with recycled materials. Your car will have to be realistic so that we could built it in real life. »

The teachers gives us the sheets while she's talking. I look at mine. This seems to be a big project. I have no idea how I will do this alone.

« As you can see, there's a lot of tasks. So you will have to do a part of the project at home. And of course you will do it in team of two. »

Oh no. Teams of two? I have no friends in this class. Well except Shawn. If I can call him my friend.

The teacher finish to explains the project and all I worry about is my teammate.

« Okay so I think you have all the informations you need! So team up and starts making a plan for your car! »

Everybody starts to talk and going to see their friends. As I was about to forget about my ego and asks Shawn to be my teammate, Jason, one of the popular boys, comes towards us.

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