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AN: So..This is a tribute to one of my fav characters from Mirai Nikki...I'll miss you Reisuke. DX



You say you hate everything 

but why don't you hate me?

I'm one of the elite you always praise

but why do I think you just want an excuse because your no longer innocently doing things

I wish you'd go back to the way you used to be

So careless and free, flying in a swing for just fun, right beside me

I'm an adult in a child's body 

You never cared when I told you

Something about me being one of the elite to..

But I want to go back to the old days

Where we always had fun without the blood

Id say your parents attitude was the start

but I know that wouldn't be speaking the truth

No we're in a dangerous predicament

I don't know how much longer things will last

I wanted you to win

for us to be together forever

The second duel diary users

Numbers Five seems as if.our luck ran out

Three won't be letting us play anymore

She thinks were dangerous to what is hers

and though its true I was hoping it could have lasted longer

We only have so much time left

the light is fading from our eyes

And all we have left to do..

is finally say goodbye.

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