Where Did You Get Your Law Degree? Prison?

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At least once a week, I have a customer claim to be a lawyer. I have a very close friend who is a lawyer and he loves hearing about these phone calls. Why? Because we’re 99% sure that none of the customers that have claimed to be an attorney while screaming at me actually are.

I had a customer call and ask for an HDDVR and HD receiver, both for free. Her account had only been active for 6 months. She tried to tell me the previous agent had told her they’d be completely free. Of course the previous agent hadn’t noted any of this.

Now, I’m not disputing the agent may have given her misinformation on equipment pricing. I’ve long since come to the conclusion the agents in billing are all minions of Satan, sent to Earth to make my life absolutely miserable. However, I’d like to believe that even billing couldn’t screw up the pricing on a newly activated account.

She stuck to her story of the previous agent offering her the free equipment. When that got her nowhere, I heard a male voice in the background state, “Tell ‘em we’ll just cancel.”

He kept feeding her information to say, she kept getting more muddled and finally he took over the call. This is when it gets interesting. He is now stating that the new customer offer includes a free HDDVR. I verify this, then attempt to explain that the new customer offer needs to be accepted at the point of sale or it’s forfeited.

She gets on the phone again and goes on about everybody else having something she doesn’t. Really that’s what it boils down to. Everybody else has something so now she needs it too. I try to tell her that everyone is given the same offer, but it varies on what everyone accepts so no, not everyone got something she didn’t.

He gets on the phone again, this time claiming to be an attorney. He states that she ordered the HDDVR; I tell him I show the original order matches the equipment in place. He calls me a liar. I inform him that we’re well past the point where we can correct the order and ask why they hadn’t called to complain about not having a DVR for 6 months. He tells me it’s because our equipment is too complicated and it took them that long to realize they didn’t have the DVR.

Seriously? I’m supposed to believe this asshat went to law school? 

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