Chapter 10

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            I flopped down on my bed like I had before, throwing my tight blue dress against the wall and putting my nightgown on once again. I was even more insanely tired than I was before, and I wondered what was wrong with me. Was I coming down with something?  My body felt incredibly light and after a few minutes of laying there feeling oddly, I decided I should get up. There was defiantly something wrong. Maybe I should have went to the hospital after I had fainted the other day. Something was very wrong. I stood up, feeling kind of light headed before clasping to the floor. The bone-white ceiling shinned down upon me. I felt as if it was spinning around me, everything moving except for me. I was grounded. Maybe I had a brain tumor. Maybe I had a vein in my brain that was about to burst and I had been too stubborn to go to the hospital while there was still time to save my life.

            My arms felt as if they were pinned, my legs tied to the floor with huge brass locks, the floor feeling abnormally soft and comfy, but I didn't want to sleep. I couldn't.

            That was when I saw someone above me - an older woman with a baggy dress, a concerned look on her face as she grabbed my arm. "She's out." She said, her crackly voice echoing in my ears. I wanted to say 'help me,' I wanted to ask, 'what's wrong with me,' but the words caught in my dry throat. She reminded me of the woman I had seen when I passed out before. Was she the same woman? No, this woman had brown hair. Not blonde. But it was something in her demeanor. The way she spoke.

            "Good." A male voice said from around the corner, "the young one is out too."

            Another woman steeped out from behind the wall, she was maybe in her thirties at most and she had thin white rimmed glasses on, "I already have the parents."

            It was at that moment I realized that these people had done something to me, they weren't here to help me. But who were all these people? What were they doing with my family?

            The old man picked me up but I was far too weak to fight them. I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell them to put me down, but I couldn't. All I could do was lay there, feeling oddly calm in my body, but feeling incredibly frightened in my mind.

            The man put me on the floor beside my mother and father who were lazily lying on the floor, their bodies presumably feeling as heavy and un-mobile as mine. Max was carried down after me by the elderly lady, "I don't like this." The man said to someone who was on the other side of me. Max was tossed onto the floor beside me, he murmured something, but I couldn't make it out.

            "I know. I don't either. This is the only way." He said, and I recognized the voice. It was Mr. Jean - he had been working against us all this time. I felt like such a trusting idiot. How could we had let this happen? How could we have believed his church loving persona?

            I wondered where they were keeping Sam and Brad. My eyes quickly moved around the room, but I didn't see them. What were they planning on doing to us? Why were they doing this to us? The questions kept popping into my brain. I wanted to get up. I wanted to run away. But I couldn't even will my eyes to blink! My heart was beating in my ears. My mouth felt like it was full of cotton. I couldn't breath! I couldn't see! My eyes were drying out, I could feel them hardening inside my skull, becoming raisins. I was screaming mentally at myself, but all I could so was yawn and flail my arms about. When ever I tried to pull myself to my feet I would become insanely dizzy and fall to the ground again.

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