Broken Bonds

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Hidan and Kakazu left Blake to me. With a grin on my face I pulled out my sword

Adam: Miss me Blake?

Blake: N-no way.. You were dead and dad took control of the White Fang

Adam: He got weaker the older he got. Retaking the White Fang was easy

Her face quickly turned from a look of fear to one of anger as she tried to attack me only for me to constantly deflect her attacks and knock her away

Adam: You've gotten weak Blake. Safe to say I'm disappointed

Blake: SHUT UP

She ran at me with murderous intent, shooting that pathetic pea-shooter and I merely walked towards her, my blade blocking every shot she fired.  After that I grabbed her weapon from her hand and stabbed her in the leg with it, making her scream in pain

???: Blake!!

I looked behind me and see Team CFVY's remaining members

Adam: Ah, the jinchuriki's teammates

Velvet: Where's Coco!

Adam: About 6 feet under with a missing tailed beast. Wanna join her?

That made them angry and they ran at me That's all they could do before getting their heads cut off

Adam: Now, before we get interrupted again..

Konan: Adam

Adam: Son of a..

Konan: Grab the girl. Pain's about to do the thing

I groan and grab Blake as Konan gets us out of there

Blake: Wh-what's gonna happen

Adam: Just watch

I grabbed her by the throat and forced her to watch


Tears rolled down her face as she watches Beacon be destroyed

Adam: Don't worry. Your pain ends here

She looks confused before I cut off her head like all the others

Adam: Finally. My vengeance has been dealt

I rested against a tree whenever the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki appeared on a giant toad

Adam's Thoughts: Don't fuck up, Sasuke


He's finally here. With a smirk on my face I looked over to Pain who nodded

Y/N: I promised you'd get a chance to fight the Nine-Tails. Take it

I nod and leap into the ruins of Beacon. Surprisingly enough Kakashi and Sakura were still alive as well as a few remaining huntsmen and shinobi. They all charged at me but I easily cut them down one by one. No matter how many came at me, the power of the Sharingan was too much. Eventually I got tired of dealing with them and decided to use it


I burned them all to a crisp and looked up at Naruto who had weird pigmentation around his eyes

I burned them all to a crisp and looked up at Naruto who had weird pigmentation around his eyes

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