A shocking Neighborhood

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Jane’s POV

At exactly, 7:30 am, everyone started to fill in the classroom. After that hateful incident at the corridor, I manage to put my things in my locker and proceeded at my first class, which is biology. As people entering the room, Ashley, Julia, James and Ashton waves at me and started to seat behind me.

“What took you guys so long?” I said to them as I face them.

“Sorry, not a morning person Jane. You know that.” Julia said as she rests her head on her table.

“My driver came up late. So yea.” Ashley said as she gave me a sheepishly grin.

“I’m with Julia.” James and Ashton said in unison.

“It’s the first day of class and you guys are late.” I said as I shake my head at them.

“We’re not that late Jane. Stop being so uptight, you sound like my mom.” Ashton said as she made a yawn.

“Atleast your mom is hot.” James said as he smirked.

Ashton smack James head as Julia, Ashley and I said, “EEWWW.”

“What a pervert comment James.” Ashley said with disgust.

“What? Just telling the truth okay?” James said as he gave out a shrug.

“Okay, let’s stop talking about my mom.” Ashton said as he glared at James who puts his arms high in defeat.

“So, what’s up Jane?” Julia asked.

“It was a good morning until someone manages to ruin it.” I said as I furrowed my eyebrows as I remembered my morning encounter with that jerk.

“May you share who is this person who ruined your morning?”Julia asked as she took her notebook and ballpen out.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know that guy.” I answered as all of them four looked at me.

“Did you just said, it’s a guy?” Ashley asked.

“Yes, and why? Stop looking at me like that guys.” I said to them annoyed.

“Sorry, it’s just that, no guy in this school hates you and wanted to ruin your day. You’re miss friendly for heaven’s sake.” Julia said as a matter of fact.

“That’s right.” Ashton said as James only gave a nod.

“I’m so not!” I said as blush started creeping out my cheeks.

“Maybe not on girls, but on guys, yea you are.” Julia said with a smile.

“Maybe this guy is new, a transferee?” Ashley asked.

“I don’t honestly care. I just hope we won’t bump with each other again. I don’t wanna see this ugly face of his.” I said furiously.

“He’s ugly?” Ashley asked out with curiosity.

“Definitely.” I answered confidently, just remembering his face makes me shudder in disgust.

Mr. Thompson arrived with his notes and books on hand.

“Good morning class. Today is our first day of school and we have a news student. I hope you can welcome him nicely.”

Hearing that we have a new classmate made me nervous. What if it’s that guy? I really hope not. I don’t wanna spend all my classes this school year with that jerk.

“Jeron, you may now enter the class.” Mr. Thompson said as the new guy entered the room. Every girl in the class well, except me squealed. I was there, left dumbstruck and fuming. UNFORTUNATELY, I raised my hope too high and now I’m stuck with that jerk.

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