Chapter 4

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"My name's elaine" she said with a voice that seemed older than she looked

"You got a last name kid?" She shook her head to answer his question and said

"You must be mistaken, i am not a child im 15 years old" she said with a hint of annoyance probably getting this a-lot

"Oh, my bad, why you out here alone, and what do you mean you have no last name?" He asked her curious to the reasonings 

"Well, they tie into one really, when i was born i was immediately abandoned on the streets. Thats why I'm alone" he shook his head, no one should go through that, he held out his hand and she took it, he pulled her up into a hug to comfort her and said

"Im sorry, no one should go through that, especially not someone as pretty as you" she blushed at his statement "you know what, come with me. I dont have my parent either so i live with my friend, they'd never reject to take you in aswell" she nodded and held close to his arm as they walked through the streets "so Elaine, tell me more about yourself" he asked her

"Well, for starts my quirk, I've named it holy maiden, i have control over greenery and i can utilise the wind too as well as an increased life span" he nodded his head at her quirk

"Man thats a powerful quirk you've got" he felt her nod on his arm

"But due to how i was raised, i dont really trust people, its strange though, i feel so comfortable around you, anyway. What about you?"she asked him

"Me? I have two quirks" she looked shocked "the first is called snatch, its basically just a form of telekinesis but it can only attract" he looked into her amber eyes

"And the other one?" She asked curiosity at its peak

"Immortality, found out from the doctor that when i turn 23 ill no longer age" he chuckled "no ageing and no dying, its quite convenient" she chuckled at his words "well we're here"

"Immortality, found out from the doctor that when i turn 23 ill no longer age" he chuckled "no ageing and no dying, its quite convenient" she chuckled at his words "well we're here"

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"Wow it's so big" Elaine said mesmerised by how a family could afford such a big house

"Yep, that means there's plenty of room for you, when we go in ill talk to my foster parents for you, i doubt they'll say no but ill have to tell them everything" he walked in through the door and shouted "IM HOME" only to receive the reply

"WHERE EATING, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU BRAT" he chuckled at mitsuki's words as she ran around the corner and smacked him over the head

"Oww oww oww, don't do that and besides, something came up" he said looking at Elaine
"Oh my, hello dear whats your name" mitsuki asked her demeanour taking a complete 180
"M-my names E-Elaine" she said hiding behind Izuku

"Its nice to meet you but if you don't mind me asking, why is she here izuku?" Mitsuki asked her adopted son as he sighed and told her to sit down, they all went to the dinner table were everyone was eating and as Katsuki saw Elaine he asked

"Who's that, your girlfriend?" He asked it with a smirk, but dropped it seeing the seriousness on Izuku's face, something he's never seen

"Shut up dumb ass" he sighed "this is Elain, when i was leaving UA i saw some thugs chase her into an ally, trying to umm" he turned to face her "you know do something" everyone cringed knowing what he meant as he held her close so she could feel comfortable "when she was born she was abandoned and has been on the streets ever since, random people sometimes looking after her but only for a week or two." Everyone gave her a sad look as izuku carried on "because of this she has struggles trusting other people, but I somehow managed to get her to open up. I told her to come here with me and i hoped that you would let her stay" mitsuki and masaru knew it was serious as Izuku never really asked for much, and when he did it wasn't anything drastic

"Izuku, your a good lad" masaru told him as he ruffled his hair to izuku's annoyance "and you don't ask for much so this is why" mitsuki took over 

"She can stay, you two are going to need to share a room though and we'll head over to city hall tomorrow morning and get everything sorted, you two head upstairs ill bring you some food up in a minute" izuku took Elaines hand and lead her upstairs to his room

"Theres a shower connected to my room, go have a shower and ill lend some of my clothes whilst yours dry, and then tomorrow we'll get you some more" he said as he gave her a white shirt and some of his older track suit pants

"Thank you, thank you so much izuku" she said with gratitude, she went into the bathroom and went for a shower, leaving her clothes at the door for izuku, he grabbed them and started walking downstairs as katsuki was walking up them

"Don't be up to anything tonight im tired" he laughed at his own joke as Izuku chuckled and replied saying

"Shut up dumb ass" he went down to the utility room and put her clothes in the wash before walking to the kitchen to see mitsuki taking some food out the oven for him and Elaine

"Oh Izuku, good timing. Your foods ready" she smiled at him "you know your doing a really good thing here Izuku, im sure inko would be proud" he let out a smile as he took the plates and walked to leave, but as he reached the door he turned and said

"Thanks mom" he walked out and her Mitsuki squeal as he had never called her that before. He reached his room and saw that Elaine was sat on the bed looking around, she was wearing the shirt but not the pants as the shirt itself was like a dress for her as izuku was quite big, he sat next to her and gave her the plate

"Here eat up, i can only guess how long its been since you've had a proper meal" she graciously took the plate and said

"Thank you" she began eating as Izuku just watched her, now realising how beautiful she was, her blonde hair was smooth and her eyes captivating, she had a good figure and he didn't even care about her lack of development in "that area". She finished her meal and Izuku took the plate

"Ill go take these down" he began to walk out but stopped as she called out

"Wait" he turned to see her shoot up to him "i, i would like to thank your mother for the meal" the two walked in a comfortable silence to the kitchen were they put the plates in the  dish washer and walked to the living room where masaru and mitsuki were watching TV, hearing the door they turned to see the two, Elaine once again holding on to Izuku's arm whilst he just smiled

"Don't be nervous, they're good people" he whispered to her

"R-Right" she nodded with determination as she looked to the two adults and said "umm than-thank you for the meal, it, it was very good" the two could only smile at her nervousness as it showed her purity

"Don't worry about it, your part of the family now so no need to be nervous" mitsuki said as they went over and pulled the two teens into a hug

"She's right you know. Welcome to the family" Elaine shed a tear at their words before she began to cry, Izuku seeing this immediately hugged her and asked

"A-are you ok?" The two parents were happy to see their adoptive son finally showing more care for others, and seeing a spark between the 2 of them

"Y-yes I'm fine, I'm just so happy is all" she said with a bright smile that melted the immortal boys heart. They went back up stairs and seeing as it was getting late they decided to go to sleep, after some convincing Elaine finally managed to make Izuku sleep with her in the bed as she "felt safe with his touch", they didn't really care about how it looked as they both slept, izuku unconsciously pulling her into a hug as they slept, both smiling in their sleep

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