Chapter 12

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"It's been too long since we last properly fought Izuku" Bakugou stated as the two stared at each other

"It has hasnt it, We've both been so focused on training we forgot to test where we stood" Izuku said in reply. He adopted a semi serious look, He knew he was more powerful than Katsuki, however Katsuki was smart, much smarter than Izuku ever gave him credit for, and on top of that he had a mind made for fighting

"BEGIN!" Present mic shouted into the microphone.

Bakugou immediately launched in with his explosions. He went for a right hook the Izuku ducked under. In retaliation Izuku swung up, but Bakugou used an explosion to dodge. Keeping up the offensive Bakugou sent a blast at his adoptive brother, who swiped at the air, creating a gale to dispose of the attack, however Bakugou predicted this and ran in, placing his palm on Izuku and blasting him away.

Izuku wasn't ready and barely clung to the arena by punching his hand through the concrete

'He knows that a KO will be difficult so he's going for a ring out' Izuku mentally noted

"I gotta say Kacchan, you throwing away your pride to try for a ring out is admirable" Izuku told him as he stood up straight. He noticed his shirt was in tatters, so he ripped it off, earning and wave gushes from the crowd

"So you noticed huh? Well then lets put the cards on the table, i need a ring out or a longer fight, after all your regeneration drains your stamina whilst my sweat only makes me stronger" Bakugou stated earning a grin from Izuku

"You were planning this from the beginning of the duels weren't you?" Izuku asked with a sly smile

"Thats right" Bakugou replied with a smirk

"Well i was also planning this too. And you know how my quirk works just as well as anyone else. I can create permanent copies of someone's quirk as long as im close to them for long enough" Izuku said, causing Bakugous eyes to widen in realisation "It took me 7 years to copy your quirk" Izuku said as he blasted an explosion behind himself to launch in at Bakugou. Bakugou tried to dodge with his own explosion, but felt himself get pulled to Izuku

'He's pulling my clothes with his snatch ability?!' Bakugou exclaimed in his head. He formed an 'x' in front of himself, preparing for a blast attack causing Izuku to smirk, Something Bakugou didnt see until it was too late. Izuku leaned right and punched Bakugou in the kidney hard.

As a result the ash blonde was forced to take a moment to breathe when his feet hit the ground again, also giving him time to think

'He showed off my quirk so i would expect him to attack with it?! And then when i went to block he got around it by using his own strength' He grunted in his own head, It pissed him off but it was a good strategy.

Before he had time to formulate a plan to counter it he had to blast away to dodge an axe kick.

'Crap... I'm gonna need to finish him off with one large attack in order to push him off!' Katsuki decided in his head, he blasted himself to the other end of the ring and panted

"This is my only shot Izuku, TAKE MY BIGGEST EXPLOSION!" Bakugou shouted as he put both palms in front of him and readied an explosion

"How kind of you to tell me your attack!" Izuku shouted back in retaliation, He too readied an attack, He reeled his right arm back and charged up one for all

'One for all, 1 million percent!' He screamed in his head.

As Bakugou let of his attack, Izuku punched the air releasing a very heavily focused blast of air.

"ONE OF THEM IS GOING TO DIE!" Midnight shouted in fear, Cementos used his quirk to put a wall between them, but the attacks powered straight through it with an explosive force.

The attacks collided with each other resulting in a huge explosion that sent winds spiralling through the stadium.

There was smoke covering the ring.

It slowly began to fade, showing Bakugou stood up. Present mic was getting ready to declare him the winner when suddenly Izuku was seen. He was missing an arm and it was smoking at the entrance to the new wound.

Izuku fell to a knee making the crowd gasp.

But Bakugou fell backwords landing in his back outside of the destroyed ring.

"AND THATS IT! IZUKU MIDORIYA WINS THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Present mic announced as the stadium erupted in cheer, with Izuku's arm now back in place, however a scar went around his bicep where he blew it up.

'Damn, so now i know the limit of what damage i can take without receiving permanent markings' Izuku told himself as he looked at the scar. One for all's power really was something, It was not able to kill him, but its power left permanent damage 'Could it be that one for all lets of a something that messes with my immortality?' Izuku asked himself before falling face first 'A question for future me, right now i want to sleep'

Izuku woke up an hour later with a groan. His body ached. He immediately had the wind knocked out of him by Elaine and Eri who hugged him and told him off for blowing himself up, AGAIN.

He had little time to relax with his girlfriend and daughter as he was quickly dragged out by midnight for his medal ceremony.

Izuku didnt pay much attention to anything that happened, He was fighting sleep. He looked to his right and saw Bakugou in the same state, however he had a look of slight irritation on him.

Luckily All Might made sure to wrap up quickly, something Bakugou and Izuku were eternally grateful for.

After that everyone quickly went back to the dorms, avoiding the press and all of their questions. As soon as they got back, pretty much everyone went straight to their rooms and flopped onto their beds.

But Izuku's day wasn't over just yet

"So Izu" Elaine started as she got changed in the bathroom with door slightly open so Izuku could hear her

"Yeah?" Izuku asked back in a tired voice

"Eri asked me again if i was ready. I asked what she meant and well she told me about a conversation you had with her" Elaine told him making him sweat drop and turn to Eri who had happily jumped into bed next to him

"You traitor" He shout whispered to her making her giggle

"so uhhhh, yeah. I have no idea what she's on about" Izuku said faking ignorance

"Right, thats what i thought" Elaine replied sarcastically as she left the bathroom in her sleep wear and jumped in the bed "But for future reference, that's a family topic that we should discuss as a family" She said as she flicked him on the forehead and pulled the duvet over them to sleep

That night Izuku slept with a fuzzy heart, Eri slept with a huge smile and Elaine slept with huge grin, dreaming of the future of her family.

A future she she felt certain about...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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